Additions to the coin store this week.

Date AddedCoin Type
2024-07-22Australia km26 1 Shilling (1911-1936) $5.00
2024-07-22France km888b.1 5 Francs (1945-1952) aluminum $0.50
2024-07-22France km878 10 Francs (1929-1939) $6.50
2024-07-22German Third Reich km83 5 Reichsmark (1934-1935) Potsdam Garrison Church $12.00
2024-07-22Greece km87 30 Drachmai (1964) Constantine Wedding $9.75
2024-07-22Italy km98 500 Lire (1958-2001) silver $9.00
2024-07-22Italy km99 500 Lire (1961) Unification Centennial $9.00
2024-07-22Mexico km553 10 New Pesos (1992-1995) Tonatiuh Aztec Sun $5.00
2024-07-22Panama km11.1 1/4 Balboa (1930-1947) $5.50
2024-07-22Poland y86 200 Zlotych (1976) Olympic Rings and Torch $8.75
2024-07-22Switzerland km40 5 Francs (1931-1969) $12.00
2024-07-22Switzerland km48 5 Francs (1948) Swiss Constitution $12.00
2024-07-22Switzerland km51 5 Francs (1963) Red Cross $12.00
2024-07-22USA km94 2 cents (1864-1872) $5.00
2024-07-22USA km192a 5 cents (1942-1945) Jefferson 35% silver $2.00
2024-07-22USA km114 quarter dollar (1892-1916) Liberty Head (Barber) $15.00
2024-07-22USA km141 quarter dollar (1916,1917) Standing Liberty (variety 1) $5.50

2024-07-21France km814.1 50 Centimes (1864-1869) $2.50
2024-07-21German State of Bavaria km856 1 Pfennig (1858-1871) $1.05
2024-07-21German State of Prussia km453 3 Pfennig (1846-1860) $1.25
2024-07-21Hong Kong km16 1 Cent (1919-1926) $1.50
2024-07-21Italy km1.1 1 Centesimo (1861-1867) $2.50
2024-07-21Mexico km459 1 Peso (1957-1967) $1.50
2024-07-21Netherland East Indies km111 1 Duit (1742-1794) $2.50
2024-07-21Portugal km526 10 Reis (1882-1886) $1.75
2024-07-21Portugal km532 10 Reis (1891-1892) $1.75
2024-07-21Portugal km527 20 Reis (1882-1886) $0.50
2024-07-21Russia y9.2 1 Kopek (1867-1914) $1.70
2024-07-21Spain km662 5 Centimos (1870) Gobierno Provisional $1.50
2024-07-21Spain km663 10 Centimos (1870) Gobierno Provisional $0.75
2024-07-21Spain km675 10 Centimos (1877-1879) Alfonso XII $2.50
2024-07-21Sweden km687 1 Ore (1856-1858) $3.15
2024-07-21Confederate States of America Pn1 1 Cent (1861) $1.50
2024-07-21Confederate States of America Pn4 20 Dollar gold piece (1861) $1.50
2024-07-21USA km134 5 cents (1913-1938) Buffalo variety 2 $0.50

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