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Coin Types from Venezuela

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Venezuela - Barinas

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ km2 1 Real (1817)
$ km1 2 Reales (1817)

Venezuela - Caracas

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ c1 1/8 Real (1802-1818)
$ c21 1/8 Real (1812)
$ c2 1/4 Real (1802-1821) Image from Jeff S.
$ c22 1/4 Real (1812)
$ c31 1/4 Real (1821-1822) Image from Jeff S.
$ c34 1/4 Real (1829-1830)
$ c25 1/2 Real (Ano 2)
$ c5.1 1 Real (1817-1821)
$ c12 1 Real (42-931)
$ c26 1 Real (Ano 2)
$ c6.1 2 Reales (1817-1821)
$ c13 2 Reales (142-1817)
$ c36 2 Reales (1818)
$ c7 4 Reales (1819-1820)

Venezuela - Guayana

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ c40 1/4 Real (1813)
$ c41.1 1/2 Real (1813-1817)

Venezuela - Margarita

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ km1 4 Maradives (1810)

Venezuela - Tachira State

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ kmS1 2 Reales (1872)
$ kmS2 2 Reales (1872)


 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ kmL3 1/8 Bolivar (1913,1916)
$ km1 1/4 Real (ND 1813)
$ km2 2/4 Real (ND 1813)
$ km3 1/2 Real (1813)
$ km4 2 Reales (181-813)
$ km5 2 Reales (1813-1814)
$ kmL10 5 Centimos (1916)


 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ y16 1 Venezolano (1876) ASW=0.7234
$ y17 5 Venezolanos (1875)
$ y8 1/2 Real (1858) ASW=0.0333
$ y9 1 Real (1858) ASW=0.0665
$ y10 2 Reales (1858) ASW=0.1331
$ y11 5 Reales (1858) ASW=0.3327
$ yA11 10 Reales (1863)
$ y1 1/4 Centavo (1843,1852) Image from Jeff S.
$ y4 1/4 Centavo (1852)
$ y2 1/2 Centavo (1843,1852)
$ y5.1 1/2 Centavo (1852)
$ y3.1 1 Centavo (1843,1852)
$ y6 1 Centavo (1852) Image from Jeff S.
$ y7 1 Centavo (1858-1863)
$ y25 1 Centavo (1876-1877)
$ y26 2-1/2 Centavos (1876-1877)
$ y12.1 5 Centavos (1874,1876) ASW=0.0336
$ y13.1 10 Centavos (1874,1876) ASW=0.0671
$ y14 20 Centavos (1874,1876) ASW=0.1342
$ y15 50 Centavos (1873-1876) ASW=0.3356
$ y87 1 Centimo (2007,2009) bolivar fuerte
$ y27 5 Centimos (1896-1938)
$ y29 5 Centimos (1944) brass
$ y29a 5 Centimos (1945-1948) Image from Jeff S.
$ y38.1 5 Centimos (1958)
$ y38.2 5 Centimos (1964-1965)
$ y38.3 5 Centimos (1971)
$ y49 5 Centimos Copper-clad (1974-1977)
$ y49a 5 Centimos (1983) nickel clad steel
$ y49b 5 Centimos (1986) cu-ni clad steel
$ y88 5 Centimos (2007,2009) bolivar fuerte
$ ya40 10 Centimos (1971)
$ y89 10 Centimos (2007-2012) bolivar fuerte
$ y28 12-1/2 Centimos (1896-1938) Image from Jeff S.
$ y30 12.5 Centimos (1944)
$ y30a 12.5 Centimos (1945-1969)
$ y39 12.5 Centimos (1958)
$ yA39.1 12.5 Centimos (1969)
$ y90 12.5 Centimos (2007) bolivar fuerte
$ y35 25 Centimos (1954) ASW=0.0336
$ y35a 25 Centimos (1960) ASW=0.0336
$ y40 25 Centimos (1965)
$ y50.1 25 Centimos (1977-1978) thick Image from Luis Jimenez
$ y50.2 25 Centimos (1977-1987)
$ y50a 25 Centimos (1989-1990)
$ y91 25 Centimos (2007,2009) bolivar fuerte
$ y99 25 Centimos (2010) 200 yrs. Independence Image from Jeff S.
$ y36 50 Centimos (1954) ASW=0.0671
$ y36a 50 Centimos (1960) ASW=0.0671
$ y41 50 Centimos (1965,1985) nickel
$ y41a 50 Centimos (1988-1990) ni-clad steel
$ y92 50 Centimos (2007-2012) bolivar fuerte
$ y100 50 Centimos (2010) 70 yrs. Central Bank Image from Jeff S.
$ y19.1 1/5 Bolivar (1879-1948) ASW=0.0268
$ y20 1/4 Bolivar (1894-1948) 25 Centimos ASW=0.0336
$ y21 50 Centimos (1879-1936) 1/2 Bolivar ASW=0.0671
$ y21a 1/2 Bolivar (1944-1946) ASW=0.0671
$ y22 Gram 5 (1 Bolivar) (1879-1945) ASW=0.1342 Image from Jeff S.
$ y22a 1 Bolivar (1945) ASW=0.1342 Image from Jeff S.
$ y37 1 Bolivar (1954) ASW=0.1342 For Sale $4.00
$ y37a 1 Bolivar (1960,1965) ASW=0.1342 For Sale $4.00
$ y42 1 Bolivar (1967)
$ y52 1 Bolivar (1977,1986)
$ y52a.1 1 Bolivar (1977-1990)
$ y52a.2 1 Bolivar (1989-1990) larger letters
$ y93 1 Bolivar fuerte (2007,2009)
$ y23 Gram 10 (2 Bolivares) (1879-1945) ASW=0.2684 Image from Jeff S.
$ y23a 2 Bolivares (1945) ASW=0.2684
$ yA37 2 Bolivares (1960,1965) ASW=0.2684
$ y43 2 Bolivares (1967-1988)
$ y43a.1 2 Bolivares (1989-1990) ni-clad steel
$ y24 Gram 25 (5 Bolivares) (1879-1936) ASW=0.7234 Image from Jeff S.
$ y44 5 Bolivares (1973) Image from Robert Hale
$ y53.1 5 Bolivares (1977-1988)
$ y53a.1 5 Bolivares (1989-1990) Image from Jeff S.
$ y45 10 Bolivares (1973) 100 yrs. Liberator on coins ASW=0.8680 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ y75 10 Bolivares (1998-1999)
$ y80 10 Bolivares (2000-2002) nickel-clad steel
$ y80a 10 Bolivares (2001-2004) aluminum-zinc
$ y32 20 Bolivares (Gram 6.4516) (1879-1912) gold
$ y76.1 20 Bolivares (1998-1999)
$ y81 20 Bolivares (2000-2002) nickel-clad steel
$ y81a.1 20 Bolivares (2001) aluminum-zinc
$ y81a.2 20 Bolivares (2002,2004) aluminum-zinc Image from Jeff S.
$ y46 25 Bolivares (1975) Jaguar ASW=0.8410 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ y47 50 Bolivares (1975) Giant Armadillo ASW=1.0408 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ y77.1 50 Bolivares (1998-1999)
$ y82 50 Bolivares (2000-2004)
$ y55 75 Bolivares (1980) 500 yrs. Death of Sucre ASW=0.4919 Image from Jeff S.
$ y34 100 Bolivares (1886-1889) gold
$ y56 100 Bolivares (1980) 150 yrs. Death of Bolivar ASW=0.6366 Image from Jeff S.
$ y57 100 Bolivares (1981) 200 yrs. birth of Andres Bello ASW=0.7248
$ y78.1 100 Bolivares (1998-1999)
$ y83 100 Bolivares (2001-2004)
$ y79.1 500 Bolivares (1998)
$ y79.2 500 Bolivares (1999)
$ y94 500 Bolivares (2004)
$ y85 1000 Bolivares (2005)

Venezuela Leper Colonies

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ kmL1 1/4 Real (1897)
$ kmL2 1/8 Bolivar (1898)
$ kmL3 1/8 Bolivar (1913,1916) Image from Jeff S.

Isla de Providencia

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ kmL19 0.05 Bolivar (1939)
$ kmL20 .125 Bolivar (1939)
$ Other types not yet listed here

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