Coin Types from Tristan da Cunha

km27 1/2 Penny (2008) Snipe eel
km28 1 Penny (2008) Lobster
km29 2 Pence (2008) Violet Seasnail

km30 5 Pence (2008) Sea Turtle
km31 10 Pence (2008) Crab
km32 20 Pence (2008) Orca - Killer Whale

km1 25 Pence (1977)
km3 25 Pence (1980) 80th Birthday of Queen Mother
km4 25 Pence (1981) Wedding of Charles and Diana

km33 25 Pence (2008) Bottlenose Dolphins
km7 50 Pence (1987) 40th Wedding Anniversary
km2 1 Crown (1978) 25 yrs. Coronation

new 1 Crown (2005) V.E. Day - tanks
new 1 Crown (2005) V.E. Day - ships
km42 1 Crown (2005) Wedding of the Prince of Wales

km44 1 Crown (2005) V.E. Day - planes,ship,tank
km43 1 Crown (2005) Lord Nelson
new 1 Crown (2005) V.E. Day - planes

km34 1 Crown (2008) Pair of whale
new 1 Crown (2014) Papal Inauguration
new 1 Crown (2014) Pope John Paul II

new 1 Crown (2014) Cardinal of San Cesareo
new 1 Crown (2015) Magna Carta

Stoltenhoff Islands:

km1 1/2 Penny (2008) West Riding Longboat
km2 1 Penny (2008) Portuguese Carrack
km3 2 Pence (2008) HM Sloop of War Julia

km4 5 Pence (2008) HMS Beagle
km5 10 Pence (2008) HMS East Indiaman
km6 20 Pence (2008) HMS Satellite

km7 25 Pence (2008) Iron Barque West Riding
km8 1 Crown (2008) Heure du Berger ship

Gough Island:

km1 1/2 Penny (2009) Gough Bunting (Finch)
km2 1 Penny (2009) Sub-Atric Skua
km3 2 Pence (2009) Tristan Albatros

km4 5 Pence (2009) Rockhopper Penguins
km5 10 Pence (2009) Gough Moorhen
km6 20 Pence (2009) Yellow nosed Albatros

km7 25 Pence (2009) Owl
km8 1 Crown (2009) Falcons

Nightingale Island:

new 1/2 Penny (2011) Flying Fish
new 1 Penny (2011) Swordfish
new 2 Pence (2011) Bluefin Tuna

new 5 Pence (2011) Octopus
new 10 Pence (2011) Blue Shark
new 20 Pence (2011) Oarfish

new 25 Pence (2011) Mahi-Mahi fish
new 1 Crown (2011) Fur Seal

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