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$ km5 1 Cent (1948)
$ km14 1 Cent (1959-1969)
$ km17 1 Cent (1972) FAO
$ km21 1 Cent (1976)
$ km30 1 Cent (1977) Boueteur fish
$ km46.1 1 Cent (1982) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km46.2 1 Cent (1990-2004)
new 1 Cent (2012) brass plated steel
$ km6 2 Cents (1948) Image from Marc Kuppens
$ km15 2 Cents (1959-1969)
$ km7 5 Cents (1948)
$ km16 5 Cents (1964-1971)
$ km18 5 Cents (1972,1975) FAO
$ km22 5 Cents (1976)
$ km31 5 Cents (1977) Bourgeois fish
$ km43 5 Cents (1981) World Food Day
$ km47.1 5 Cents (1982) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km47.2 5 Cents (1990-2003)
$ km47a 5 Cents (2007) brass plated steel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km1 10 Cents (1939-1944)
$ km8 10 Cents (1951)
$ km10 10 Cents (1953-1974)
$ km23 10 Cent (1976) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km32 10 Cents (1977,1978) FAO
$ km44 10 Cents (1981) World Food Day From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km48.1 10 Cents (1982) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km48.2 10 Cents (1990-2003)
$ km48a 10 Cents (2007) brass plated steel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km2 25 Cents (1939-1944)
$ km9 25 Cents (1951) Contributed Image
$ km11 25 Cents (1954-1974)
$ km24 25 Cents (1976) Independence From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km33 25 Cents (1977,1978)
$ km49.1 25 Cents (1982)
$ km49.2 25 Cents (1989,1992)
$ km49a 25 Cents (1993-2012) nickel clad steel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km49b 25 Cents (2000) stainless steel Image from Vic Krysko
$ km25 50 Cents (1976) Decl. of Independence
$ km34 50 Cents (1977,1978) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km3 1/2 Rupee (1939) ASW=0.0937
$ km12 1/2 Rupee (1954-1974)
$ km4 1 Rupee (1939) ASW=0.1874
$ km13 1 Rupee (1954-1974)
$ km26 1 Rupee (1976) Independence From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km35 1 Rupee (1977,1978) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km50.1 1 Rupee (1982-1983) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km50.2 1 Rupee (1992--) copper-nickel
new 1 Rupee (2010--) nickel clad steel
$ km19 5 Rupees (1972) Image from John Holladay
$ km27 5 Rupees (1976) Decl. of Independence
$ km36 5 Rupees (1977) Coco-de-mer Palm Tree From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km51.1 5 Rupees (1982) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km51.2 5 Rupees (1992-2010) altered arms
$ km89 5 Rupees (1995) 50 yrs. United Nations Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
new 5 Rupees (2010--) nickel clad steel
$ km20 10 Rupees (1974) Green Sea Turtle
$ km28 10 Rupees (1976) Independence Image from R.Goodacre
$ km37 10 Rupees (1977) Green Sea Turtle
new 10 Rupees (2016) Aldabra Giant Tortoise From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km52 20 Rupees (1983) Central Bank
$ km67 25 Rupees (1993) World Cup Soccer ASW=0.9356 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km39 50 Rupees (1978) Squirrel fish ASW=0.8410 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km42 50 Rupees (1980) Year of the Child ASW=0.5781 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km40 100 Rupees (1978) White-tailed Tropic bird ASW=0.9412 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
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This is my collection of world coins.
Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.