Coin Types from the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic
(Western Sahara)
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$ km14 1 Peseta (1992)
$ km15 2 Peseta (1992)
$ km16 5 Peseta (1992)
$ km1 50 Pesetas (1990) Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km23 100 Pesetas (1995) Spitfire MK-II Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km8 500 Pesetas (1991) Divided Soccer Ball ASW=0.5087 Image from Hans Grootswangers
$ km51 500 Pesetas (2004) Two Fennec Foxes
$ km51a 500 Pesetas (2004) silver center in gold-plated ring
$ km51b 500 Pesetas (2004) silver
$ km52 500 Pesetas (2004) Independence Map
$ km52a 500 Pesetas (2004) silver center in gold-plated ring
$ km52b 500 Pesetas (2004) silver
new 500 Pesetas (2010) Pope and King Juan Carlos
new 500 Pesetas (2010) Cultura Arbe, Soldiers
$ km58 1000 Pesetas (1997) Military ship Russian Lady Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km57 1000 Pesetas (1997) Scandinavian ship Dromon Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km59 1000 Pesetas (1997) Egyptian merchant ship Image from Vladimir Startsev
Cabo Dakhla:
new 1 Peseta (2006) camel
new 5 Pesetas (2006) whale
new 10 Pesetas (2006) Fennec Fox
new 25 Pesetas (2006) vulture
new 50 Pesetas (2006) men on camels
new 100 Pesetas (2006) bi-metallic
new 200 Pesetas (2006) bi-metallic
new 500 Pesetas (2006) colonial Spanish building
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Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.