Coin Types from Malawi

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 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ km6 1 Penny (1967-1968)
$ km1 6 Pence (1964,1967) Image from Jeff S.
$ km2 1 Shilling (1964,1968)
$ km3 1 Florin (1964) Image from Jeff S.
$ km4 1/2 Crown (1964)
$ km5 1 Crown (1966) Day of the Republic Image from Jeff S.
$ km7.1 1 Tambala (1971-1974) bronze
$ km7.2 1 Tambala (1975-1982) Image from Brandolipo
$ km7.2a 1 Tambala (1984-1994)
$ km24 1 Tambala (1995) President and Talapia fish Image from Paolo Sannino
$ km33 1 Tambala (1995) Country Arms and Talapia fish
$ km33a 1 Tambala (2003) copper-plated steel Image from Wayne Bartosh
$ km8.1 2 Tambala (1971-1974)
$ km8.2 2 Tambala (1975-1982)
$ km8.2a 2 Tambala (1984-1994)
$ km25 2 Tambala (1995) Paradise Whydah bird Image from Jeff S.
$ km34 2 Tambala (1995)
$ km34a 2 Tambala (2003) copper plated steel
$ km9.1 5 Tambala (1971)
$ km9.2 5 Tambala (1985)
$ km9.2a 5 Tambala (1989,1994)
$ km26 5 Tambala (1995) Purple Heron
$ km32.1 5 Tambala (1995) without initials
$ km32.2 5 Tambala (2003) initials PV
$ km10.1 10 Tambaba (1971) Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda
$ km10.2 10 Tambala (1985,1989)
$ km10.2a 10 Tambala (1989)
$ km27 10 Tambala (1995,2003)
$ km11.1 20 Tambala (1971,1985)
$ km11.2 20 Tambala (1985)
$ km11.2a 20 Tambala (1989,1994)
$ km29 20 Tambala (1996,2003)
$ km19 50 Tambala (1986,1994)
$ km30 50 Tambala (1996,2003)
$ km66 50 Tambala (2004) Zebras Image from Ole Sjoelund
$ km12 1 Kwacha (1971)
$ km20 1 Kwacha (1992-1993)
$ km28 1 Kwacha (1996,2003) For Sale $3.75
$ km65 1 Kwacha (2004) Image from Ole Sjoelund
$ km23 5 Kwacha (1995) United Nations 50 yrs. Image from Roman Korbella
$ km59 5 Kwacha (2005) USS Coral Sea aircraft carrier
$ km62 5 Kwacha (2005) USSR Molotov
$ km63 5 Kwacha (2005) ship USS Missouri
$ km64 5 Kwacha (2005) ship UHMS Hood
$ km57 5 Kwacha (2006) workers
   km213 5 Kwacha (2012-2018) Image from Jeff S.
$ km13 10 Kwacha (1974) 10 yrs. Independence ASW=0.8410
$ km38 10 Kwacha (1999) Two runners ASW=0.5948 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km60 10 Kwacha (2004) multicolor zebra and colt
$ km61 10 Kwacha (2004) multicolor leopard with cub
$ km84 10 Kwacha (2004) multicolor elephant and calf
$ km86 10 Kwacha (2004) multicolor lion and cub
$ km89 10 Kwacha (2004) multicolor deer and fawn Image from Jeff S.
$ km90 10 Kwacha (2004) multicolor giraffe and her calf Image from Jeff S.
$ pn15 10 Kwacha (2004) multicolor pair of birds with chick
$ km81 10 Kwacha (2005) Chevrotain Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km82 10 Kwacha (2005) Lemur Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km83 10 Kwacha (2005) Pygmy Hippo Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km71 10 Kwacha (2005) Tree Pangolin Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km58 10 Kwacha (2006) farm worker
$ km91 10 Kwacha (2010) Blue Poison Arrow Frog Image from Jeff S.
$ km92 10 Kwacha (2010) Dyeing Poison Arrow Frog Image from Jeff S.
$ km93 10 Kwacha (2010) Darwin Frog Image from Jeff S.
$ km94 10 Kwacha (2010) Panamanian Gold Frog Image from Jeff S.
$ km95 10 Kwacha (2010) Purple Frog Image from Jeff S.
$ km96 10 Kwacha (2010) Carrikeri Harlequin Frog Image from Jeff S.
$ km97 10 Kwacha (2010) Tree Frog Image from Jeff S.
   new 10 Kwacha (2010) Golden Harlequin Frog Image from Jeff S.
   new 10 Kwacha (2010) Amazon Horned Frog Image from Jeff S.
   new 10 Kwacha (2010) Malagasy Rainbow Frog Image from Jeff S.
$ km43 50 kwacha (2004) bronze with gold plated center Image from Roger Zimmerman
$Other types not yet listed here

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