Coin Types from Lebanon

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 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ km9 1/2 Piastre (1934,1936)
$ km9a 1/2 Piastre (1941) zinc
$ km11 1/2 Piastre (1941) brass
$ km3 1 Piastre (1925-1936)
$ km3a 1 Piastre (1940) zinc
$ km12 1 Piastre (1941) brass
$ km19 1 Piastre (1955) For Sale $0.25
$ km1 2 Piastres (1924)
$ km4 2 Piastres (1925)
$ km10 2-1/2 Piastres (1940)
$ km13 2.5 Piastres (nd) WWII issue
$ km20 2.5 Piastres (1955)
$ km2 5 Piastres (1924)
$ km5.2 5 Piastres (1925-1940) For Sale $2.50
$ km14 5 Piastres (1952)
$ km18 5 Piastres (1954)
$ km21 5 Piastres (1955,1961)
$ km25.1 5 Piastres (1968-1970)
$ km25.2 5 Piastres (1972-1980) Image from Jeff S.
$ km6 10 Piastres (1929) ASW=0.0437
$ km15 10 Piastres (1952)
$ km22 10 Piastres (1955) For Sale $6.50
$ km23 10 Piastres (1955)
$ km24 10 Piastres (1961)
$ km26 10 Piastres (1968-1975)
$ km7 25 Piastres (1929-1936) ASW=0.1093
$ km16.1 25 Piastres (1952) For Sale $0.25
$ km16.2 25 Piastres (1961)
$ km27.1 25 Piastres (1968-1975)
$ km27.2 25 Piastres (1980) Image from Jeff S.
$ km8 50 Piastres (1929-1936) ASW=0.2186
$ km17 50 Piastres (1952) ASW=0.0959 Image from Jeff S. For Sale $14.00
$ km28.1 50 Piastres (1968-1978)
$ km28.2 50 Piastres (1980) Image from Jeff S.
$ km29 1 Livre (1968) FAO
$ km30 1 Livre (1975-1986) Image from Jeff S.
$ km32 1 Livre (1980) Lake Placid Olympics Image from Jeff S.
$ km31 5 Livres (1978) FAO Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km35 10 Livres (1981) World Food Day
$ km40 25 Livres (2002,2009)
$ km37 50 Livres (1996)
$ km37a 50 Livres (2006)
$ km38 100 Livres (1995-2006) brass
$ km38a 100 Livres (2003) stainless steel
$ km38b 100 Livres (2006--) copper plated steel
$ km36 250 Livres (1995--)
$ km39 500 Livres (1995-2011)
$ km39a 500 Livres (2012--) latent image of cedar trees Image from Jeff S.
$Other types not yet listed here

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