Coin Types from Ireland
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$ Tn4 30 Pence Token (1808) Ireland From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
Token Dublin 1/2 Penny (1792) Hibernian Mining Co.
$ Tn2 5 Pence Token (1805-1806)
$ Tn3 10 Pence Token (1805-1806)
$ Tn5 10 Pence Token (1813)
$ Tn4 30 Pence Token (1808)
$ km145 5 Shilling 5 Pence (1804) ASW=0.7858
$ Tn1 6 Shilling (1804)
$ km146 1 Farthing (1806)
$ km1 1 Farthing (1928-1937) Contributed Image
$ km9 1 Farthing (1939-1966) Eire
$ km147 1/2 Penny (1805)
$ km150 1/2 Penny (1822-1823)
$ km148 1 Penny (1805)
$ km2 1/2 Penny (1928-1937) Contributed Image
$ km10 1/2 Penny (1939-1967) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ Tn3 1 Penny (1816)
$ km151 1 Penny (1822-1823) Image from Roger Lee
$ km3 1 Penny (1928-1937) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km11 1 Penny (1938-1968)
$ km4 3 Pence (1928-1935)
$ km12 3 Pence (1939-1940) Contributed Image
$ km12a 3 Pence (1942-1968) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km5 6 Pence (1928-1935)
$ km13 6 Pence (1939-1940) Irish Wolfhound
$ km13a 6 Pence (1942-1969) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km6 1 Shilling (1928-1937) Eireann ASW=0.1364
$ km14 1 Shilling (1939-1942) Eire ASW=0.1364
$ km14a 1 Shilling (1951-1968) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km7 1 Florin (1928-1937) ASW=0.2727
$ km15 1 Florin (1939-1943) ASW=0.2727 Contributed Image
$ km15a 1 Florin (1951-1968) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km8 1/2 Crown (1928-1937) ASW=0.3409 Contributed Image
$ km16 1/2 Crown (1939-1942) Irish Hunter horse ASW=0.3409
$ km16a 1/2 Crown (1951-1967)
$ km18 10 Shillings (1966) Easter Uprising ASW=0.4860 Contributed Image
$ km19 1/2 Penny (1971-1986)
$ km20 1 Penny (1971-1989)
$ km20a 1 Penny (1990-2000)
$ km21 2 Pence (1971-1989)
$ km21a 2 Pence (1990-2000)
$ km22 5 Pence (1969-1990) large
$ km28 5 Pence (1992-2000) small
$ km23 10 Pence (1969-1986) large
$ km29 10 Pence (1993-2000) small
$ km25 20 Pence (1986-2000)
$ km24 50 Pence (1970-2000)
$ km26 50 Pence (1988) Dublin Millennium
$ km27 1 Pound (1990-2000)
$ km31 1 Pound (2000) Millennium
$ km32 1 Euro Cent (2002--)
$ km33 2 Euro Cents (2002--)
$ km34 5 Euro Cents (2002--)
$ km35 10 Euro Cents (2002-2006)
$ km47 10 Euro cents (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km36 20 Euro Cents (2002-2006)
$ km48 20 Euro cents (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km37 50 Euro Cents (2002-2006)
$ km49 50 Euro cents (2007--) Relief map of Europe Image from Milos Kukovic
$ km38 1 Euro (2002-2006)
$ km50 1 Euro (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km39 2 Euro (2002-2006)
$ km51 2 Euro (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km53 2 Euro (2007) Treaty of Rome
$ km62 2 Euro (2009) Ten Years of European Monetary Union Image from Milos Kukovic
$ km71 2 Euro (2012) 10 yrs. Euro Coinage
new 2 Euro (2015) 30 years of the E.U. flag
new 2 Euro (2016) 100th anniv. of Easter Rising
$ km40 5 Euro (2003) Special Olympics Contributed Image
$ km41 10 Euro (2003) Special Olympics ASW=0.8416 Contributed Image
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Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.