Coin Types from Haiti
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$ km21 1/2 Escalin (ND 1802)
$ km22 1 Escalin (ND 1802)
$ km23 2 Escalin (ND 1802)
$ km3 7 Sols 6 Deniers (1807-1809)
$ km6 15 Sols (1807-1809)
$ km8 30 Sols (1807)
$ kmA21 1 Centime (1828-1842)
$ km24 1 Centime (1846)
$ km25 1 Centime (1846) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km30 1 Centime (1849)
$ km33 1 Centime (1850)
$ km34 1 Centime (1850)
$ km42 1 Centime (1881)
$ km48 1 Centime (1886-1895) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ kmA22 2 Centimes (1828-1842) Contributed Image
$ km26 2 Centimes (1846)
$ km27 2 Centimes (1846) Image from Roger Lee
$ km31 2 Centimes (1849)
$ km35 2 Centimes (1850)
$ km36 2 Centimes (1850)
$ km43 2 Centimes (1881)
$ km49 2 Centimes (1886,1894)
$ km39 5 Centimes (1863)
$ km50 5 Centimes (1889)
$ km52 5 Centimes (1904)
$ km53 5 Centimes (1904-1905)
$ km57 5 Centimes (1949)
$ km59 5 Centimes (1953) Pres. Magloire
$ km62 5 Centimes (1958,1970)
$ km119 5 Centimes (1975)
$ km145 5 Centimes (1981) FAO
$ km154 5 Centimes (1995)
$ km154a 5 Centimes (1995,1997) Charlemagne Peralte
$ km10 6 Centimes (1813)
$ km17 6 Centimes (1818)
$ km28 6 Centimes (1846)
$ km32 6 Centimes (1849)
$ km37 6 Centimes (1850)
$ km29 6-1/4 Centimes (1846)
$ km38 6-1/4 Centimes (1850)
$ km40 10 Centimes (1863)
$ km44 10 Centimes (1881-1894)
$ km54 10 Centimes (1906)
$ km58 10 Centimes (1949)
$ km60 10 Centimes (1953)
$ km63 10 Centimes (1958,1970)
$ km120 10 Centimes (1975,1983)
$ km146 10 Centimes (1981) FAO
$ km11 12 Centimes (1813-1815)
$ km13 12 Centimes (1817) 15mm wide Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km14 12 Centimes (1817) 16.6mm wide
$ km19 12 Centimes (1827-1829)
$ km41 20 Centimes (1863) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km45 20 Centimes (1881-1895) ASW=0.1342
$ km55 20 Centimes (1907)
$ km61 20 Centimes (1956) President Magliore
$ km77 20 Centimes (1970)
$ km100 20 Centimes (1972-1983)
$ km147 20 Centimes (1981) FAO
$ km152 20 Centimes (1986-1995)
$ km152a 20 Centimes (1995)
$ km12 25 Centimes (1813-1816)
$ km15 25 Centimes (1817)
$ km16 25 Centimes (1818) Contributed Image
$ km18 25 Centimes (1827-1834)
$ km20 50 Centimes (1827-1833)
$ km47 50 Centimes (1882-1895) ASW=0.3356
$ km56 50 Centimes (1907-1908)
$ km101 50 Centimes (1972) FAO
$ km101a 50 Centimes (1975-1985)
$ km148 50 Centimes (1981) FAO
$ km153 50 Centimes (1986-1991) cu-ni
$ km153a 50 Centimes (1995,1999) ni-plated steel
$ kmA23 100 Centimes (1829-1833)
$ km46 1 Gourde (1881-1895) ASW=0.7234 Contributed Image
$ km51 1 Gourde (ND 1889)
$ km155 1 Gourde (1995,2003,2009)
$ km156 5 Gourdes (1995,2007)
$ km102 25 Gourdes (1973-1974) Christopher Columbus ASW=0.2974
$ km103 25 Gourdes (1973) World Soccer Championship ASW=0.2974 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
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This is my collection of world coins.
Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.