Coin Types from Greece
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$ km1 1 Lepton (1900-1901) Contributed Image
$ km2 2 Lepta (1900-1901) Image from Roger Lee
$ km3 5 Lepta (1900) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km4 10 Lepta (1900)
$ km5 20 Lepta (1900) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km6 50 Lepta (1901) ASW=0.0671
$ km7 1 Drachma (1901) ASW=0.1342 Contributed Image
$ km8 2 Drachmai (1901) ASW=0.2684 Contributed Image
$ km9 5 Drachmai (1901) ASW=0.7234 Contributed Image
$ km1 1 Lepton (1828-1830)
$ km5 1 Lepton (1830)
$ km9 1 Lepton (1831)
$ km13 1 Lepton (1832-1843)
$ km22 1 Lepton (1844-1846)
$ km26 1 Lepton (1847-1849)
$ km30 1 Lepton (1851-1857)
$ km40 1 Lepton (1869-1870) Image from John Holladay
$ km52 1 Lepton (1878-1879)
$ km14 2 Lepta (1832-1842)
$ km23 2 Lepta (1844-1845)
$ km27 2 Lepta (1847-1849)
$ km31 2 Lepta (1851-1857)
$ km41 2 Lepta (1869) Image from Doyle Russell
$ km53 2 Lepta (1878)
$ km2 5 Lepta (1828,1830) Contributed Image
$ km6 5 Lepta (1830)
$ km10 5 Lepta (1831)
$ km16 5 Lepta (1833-1842) Image from Daniel
$ km24 5 Lepta (1844-1846)
$ km28 5 Lepta (1847-1849)
$ km32 5 Lepta (1851-1857)
$ km42 5 Lepta (1869-1870)
$ km54 5 Lepta (1878-1882)
$ km58 5 Lepta (1894-1895) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km62 5 Lepta (1912) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km77 5 Lepta (1954,1971)
$ km3 10 Lepta (1828-1830)
$ km8 10 Lepta (1830)
$ km12 10 Lepta (1831) Phoenix without circle Image from Daniel B.
$ km17 10 Lepta (1833-1844)
$ km25 10 Lepta (1844-1846)
$ km29 10 Lepta (1847-1857) Image from Daniel
$ km43 10 Lepta (1869-1870)
$ km55 10 Lepta (1878-1882)
$ km59 10 Lepta (1894-1895)
$ km63 10 Lepta (1912)
$ km66 10 Lepta (1922)
$ km78 10 Lepta (1954-1971)
$ km102 10 Lepta (1973) Soldier and Phoenix
$ km103 10 Lepta (1973) Phoenix only
$ km113 10 Lepta (1967-1978)
$ km11 20 Lepta (1831)
$ km44 20 Lepta (1874-1883) ASW=0.0268 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km57 20 Lepta (1893-1895) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km64 20 Lepta (1912) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km67 20 Lepta (1926)
$ km79 20 Lepta (1954-1971)
$ km104 20 Lepta (1973) Soldier in front of Phoenix
$ km105 20 Lepta (1973)
$ km114 20 Lepta (1976-1978)
$ km37 50 Lepta (1868-1883) ASW=0.0671
$ km68 50 Lepta (1926)
$ km80 50 Lepta (1954-1965)
$ km88 50 Lepta (1966,1970)
$ km97.1 50 Lepta (1971,1973) small head
$ km97.2 50 Lepta (1973) large head
$ km106 50 Lepta (1973) Phoenix and flame
$ km115 50 Lepta (1976-1986)
$ km4 1 Phoenix (1828) ASW=0.1173
$ km18 1/4 Drachma (1833-1846) ASW=0.0324
$ km33 1/4 Drachma (1851-1855) ASW=0.0324
$ km19 1/2 Drachma (1833-1847) ASW=0.0648
$ km34 1/2 Drachma (1851-1855) ASW=0.0648
$ km15 1 Drachma (1832-1847) ASW=0.1295
$ km35 1 Drachma (1851) ASW=0.1295
$ km38 1 Drachma (1868-1883) ASW=0.1342
$ km60 1 Drachma (1910-1911) ASW=0.1342
$ km69 1 Drachma (1926)
$ km81 1 Drachma (1954-1965)
$ km89 1 Drachma (1966-1970) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km98 1 Drachma (1971,1973)
$ km107 1 Drachma (1973)
$ km116 1 Drachma (1976-1986)
$ km150 1 Drachma (1988-1993)
$ km39 2 Drachmai (1868-1883) ASW=0.2684
$ km61 2 Drachmai (1911) ASW=0.2684 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km70 2 Drachmai (1926)
$ km82 2 Drachmai (1954-1965)
$ km90 2 Drachmai (1966-1970)
$ km99 2 Drachmai (1971,1973)
$ km108 2 Drachmai (1973)
$ km117 2 Drachmai (1976-1980)
$ km130 2 Drachmes (1982-1986)
$ km151 2 Drachmes (1988-1993)
$ km20 5 Drachmai (1833-1846) ASW=0.6476
$ km36 5 Drachmai (1851) ASW=0.6476
$ km46 5 Drachmai (1875-1876) ASW=0.7234 Contributed Image
$ km47 5 Drachmai (1876) gold
$ km71 5 Drachmai (1930) Coin donated by Robert Hale
$ km83 5 Drachmai (1954-1965)
$ km91 5 Drachmai (1966,1970)
$ km100 5 Drachmai (1971,1973)
$ km109.1 5 Drachmai (1973)
$ km118 5 Drachmai (1976-1980)
$ km131 5 Drachmes (1982-2000)
$ km48 10 Drachmai (1876) gold
$ km72 10 Drachmai (1930) ASW=0.1125 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km84 10 Drachmai (1959,1965)
$ km96 10 Drachmai (1968)
$ km101 10 Drachmai (1971,1973)
$ km110 10 Drachmai (1973)
$ km119 10 Drachmai (1976-1980)
$ km132 10 Drachmes (1982-2002)
$ km21 20 Drachmai (1833) gold
$ km49 20 Drachmai (1876) gold
$ km56 20 Drachmai (1884) gold
$ km73 20 Drachmai (1930) ASW=0.1818 Contributed Image
$ km85 20 Drachmai (1960,1965) ASW=0.2013 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km111 20 Drachmai (1973)
$ km112 20 Drachmai (1973)
$ km120 20 Drachmai (1976-1980)
$ km133 20 Drachmes (1982-1988)
$ km154 20 Drachmes (1990-1998)
$ km86 30 Drachmai (1963) Royal Greek Dynasty ASW=0.4832
$ km87 30 Drachmai (1964) Constantine Wedding ASW=0.3221 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km50 50 Drachmai (1876) gold
$ km93 50 Drachmai (1967) ASW=0.3356 Image from Roger Zimmerman
$ km124 50 Drachmai (1980)
$ km134 50 Drachmes (1982,1984)
$ km147 50 Drachmes (1986--) Homer
$ km164 50 Drachmes (1994) Kallergis
$ km168 50 Drachmes (1994) Makrygiannis
$ km171 50 Drachmes (1998) Rigas Feraios
$ km172 50 Drachmes (1998) Dionysios Solomos
$ km51 100 Drachmai (1876) gold
$ km125 100 Drachmai (1981) Broad Jump ASW=0.1672 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km126 250 Drachmai (1981) Javelin Thrower ASW=0.4178 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km127 500 Drachmai (1981) Relay Race ASW=0.8356 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km137 250 Drachmai (1982) Disc Thrower ASW=0.4178 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km139 500 Drachmai (1982) Runners Start ASW=0.8356 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km159 100 Drachmes (1990--) Alexander From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km169 100 Drachmes (1997) Track Championship Games
$ km170 100 Drachmes (1998) Basketball Championships
$ km173 100 Drachmes (1999) Modern Wrestlers Coin donated by Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km174 100 Drachmes (1999) Atlas and Weightlifter
$ km175 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Arched Entry
$ km176 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Runner w/ torch
$ km177 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Diagoras
$ km178 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Vikelas and Couberten
$ km179 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Spyros Louis
$ km180 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - 1896 Medal design
$ km181 1 Euro cent (2002--)
$ km182 2 Euro cents (2002--)
$ km183 5 Euro cents (2002--)
$ km184 10 Euro cents (2002-2006)
$ km211 10 Euro cents (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km185 20 Euro cents (2002-2006)
$ km212 20 Euro cents (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km186 50 Euro cents (2002-2006)
$ km213 50 Euro cents (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km187 1 Euro (2002-2006)
$ km214 1 Euro (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km188 2 Euro (2002-2006)
$ km209 2 Euro (2004) Athens Olympics
$ km215 2 Euro (2007--) Relief map of Europe
$ km216 2 Euro (2007) Treaty of Rome
$ km227 2 Euro (2009) Ten Years of European Monetary Union
$ km236 2 Euro (2010) Battle of Marathon
$ km239 2 Euro (2011) Special Olympics
$ km245 2 Euro (2012) 10 yrs. Euro Coinage
$ km252 2 Euro (2013) Union of Crete with Greece
$ km253 2 Euro (2013) Plato Academy
$ km269 2 Euro (2014) Ionian Islands Image from Luis Jimenez
$ km259 2 Euro (2014) Domenikos Theotokopoulos
new 2 Euro (2015) 30 years of the EU flag
new 2 Euro (2015) Spyridon Louis
new 2 Euro (2016) Arkadi Monastery From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
new 2 Euro (2016) Dimitris Mitropoulos From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
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Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.