Coin Types from East Africa

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 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ km1 1 Pice (1897-1899)
$ km6 1/2 Cent (1908)
$ km6a 1/2 Cent (1909) Contributed Image
$ km5 1 Cent (1907-1908) Contributed Image
$ km5a 1 Cent (1909,1910) Image from Bob Butler
$ km7 1 Cent (1911-1918) Image from Jeff S.
$ km12 1 Cent (1920-1921)
$ km22 1 Cent (1922-1935) King George V For Sale $2.00
$ km29 1 Cent (1942) Image from Jeff S.
$ km32 1 Cent (1949-1952) Image from Jeff S. For Sale $1.00
$ km35 1 Cent (1953-1962)
$ km11 5 Cents (1913-1914) Contributed Image
$ km13 5 Cents (1920) Contributed Image
$ km18 5 Cents (1921-1936) For Sale $4.00
$ km23 5 Cents (1936)
$ km25.1 5 Cents (1937-1941) thick 6.32 grams
$ km25.2 5 Cents (1941-1943) thin 5.67 grams For Sale $3.25
$ km33 5 Cents (1949-1952) Image from Jeff S. For Sale $1.25
$ km37 5 Cents (1955-1963) Elizabeth II
$ km39 5 Cents (1964) Post-Independence Image from Bob Butler
$ km2 10 Cents (1906-1910)
$ km8 10 Cents (1911-1918)
$ km14 10 Cents (1920)
$ km19 10 Cents (1921-1936) For Sale $2.00
$ km24 10 Cents (1936) For Sale $3.50
$ km26.1 10 Cents (1937-1941) thick flan Image from Bob Butler For Sale $3.25
$ km26.2 10 Cents (1942-1952) thin flan
$ km34 10 Cents (1949-1952) Image from Buddy Kyler For Sale $1.25
$ km38 10 Cents (1956) Queen Elizabeth the Second
$ km40 10 Cents (1964) Image from Bob Butler
$ km3 25 Cents (1906,1910) ASW=0.0750
$ km10 25 Cents (1912-1918) ASW=0.0750 Image from Jeff S.
$ km15 25 Cents (1920) ASW=0.0469
$ km4 50 Cents (1906-1910) ASW=0.1500 Contributed Image
$ km9 50 Cents (1911-1919) ASW=0.1500
$ km16 50 Cents (1920) ASW=0.0937
$ km20 50 Cents (1921-1924) ASW=0.0312 Image from Bob Butler
$ km27 50 Cents (1937-1944) ASW=0.0312
$ km30 50 Cents (1948-1952) Image from Bob Butler
$ km36 50 Cents (1954-1963)
$ km21 1 Shilling (1921-1925) ASW=0.0625
$ km28.1 1 Shilling (1937-1946) ASW=0.0625 Image from Jeff S.
$ km31 1 Shilling (1948-1952) For Sale $1.50
$ km17 1 Florin (1920) ASW=0.1875
$Other types not yet listed here

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