Coin Types from Cyprus
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$ km1.2 1/4 Piastre (1900,1901)
$ km8 1/4 Piastre (1902-1908)
$ km16 1/4 Piastre (1922,1926) Contributed Image
$ km11 1/2 Piastre (1908)
$ km17 1/2 Piastre (1922-1931) Contributed Image
$ km20 1/2 Piastre (1934)
$ km22 1/2 Piastre (1938)
$ km22a 1/2 Piastre (1942-1945) bronze
$ km29 1/2 Piastre (1949) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km3 1 Piastre (1879-1900) Contributed Image
$ km12 1 Piastre (1908)
$ km18 1 Piastre (1922-1931) Contributed Image
$ km21 1 Piastre (1934)
$ km23 1 Piastre (1938) copper-nickel
$ km23a 1 Piastre (1942-1946) bronze
$ km30 1 Piastre (1949) Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km4 3 Piastres (1901) ASW=0.0561 Image from Nicolas Dupont
$ km5 4.5 Piastres (1901) ASW=0.0841 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km15 4.5 Piastres (1921) ASW=0.0841
$ km24 4.5 Piastres (1938) ASW=0.0841
$ km6 9 Piastres (1901) ASW=0.1682 Contributed Image
$ km9 9 Piastres (1907) ASW=0.1682
$ km13 9 Piastres (1913-1921) ASW=0.1682 Contributed Image
$ km25 9 Piastres (1938,1940) ASW=0.1682 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km7 18 Piastres (1901) ASW=0.3364 Contributed Image
$ km10 18 Piastres (1907) ASW=0.3364 Contributed Image
$ km14 18 Piastres (1913,1921) ASW=0.3364 Contributed Image
$ km26 18 Piastres (1938,1940) ASW=0.3364 Contributed Image
$ km19 45 Piastres (1928) ASW=0.8409 Contributed Image
$ km27 1 Shilling (1947)
$ km31 1 Shilling (1949) Contributed Image
$ km28 2 Shilling (1947)
$ km32 2 Shilling (1949)
$ km38 1 Mil (1963-1972)
$ km33 3 Mils (1955)
$ km34 5 Mils (1955,1956) Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km39 5 Mils (1963-1980) Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km50.1 5 Mils (1981) small date
$ km50.2 5 Mils (1982) large date
$ km35 25 Mils (1955) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km40 25 Mils (1963-1982)
$ km36 50 Mils (1955)
$ km41 50 Mils (1963-1982)
$ km37 100 Mils (1955,1957) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km42 100 Mils (1963-1982)
$ km43 500 Mils (1970) FAO
$ km44 500 Mils (1975,1977) Hercules
$ km45 500 Mils (1976) Refugees Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km48 500 Mils (1978) Human Rights
$ km49 500 Mils (1980) Olympic Rings Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km51 500 Mils (1981) World Food Day Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km46 1 Pound (1976) Refugees Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ xM8 3 Pounds (1974) ASW=0.2230
$ km47 50 Pounds (1977) Arch Bishop
$ km52 1/2 Cent (1983)
$ km53.1 1 Cent (1983) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km53.2 1 Cent (1985-1994)
$ km53.3 1 Cent (1991-2004)
$ km54.1 2 Cents (1983)
$ km54.2 2 Cents (1985-1990)
$ km54.3 2 Cents (1991-2004)
$ km55.1 5 Cents (1983) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km55.2 5 Cents (1985-1990) Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km55.3 5 Cents (1991-2004)
$ km56.1 10 Cents (1983) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km56.2 10 Cents (1985-1990) Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km56.3 10 Cents (1991-2004)
$ km57.1 20 Cents (1983) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km57.2 20 Cents (1985-1988)
$ km62.1 20 Cents (1989,1990)
$ km62.2 20 Cents (1991-2004)
$ km58 50 Cents (1985) Forestry
$ km66 50 Cents (1991-2004)
$ km61 1 Pound (1988) Olympics Image from Will Henke
$ km70 1 Pound (1995) 50 yrs. F.A.O. From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km75 1 Pound (2004) European Union
$ km78 1 Euro Cent (2008--)
$ km79 2 Euro Cents (2008--)
$ km80 5 Euro Cents (2008--)
$ km81 10 Euro Cents (2008--)
$ km82 20 Euro Cents (2008--)
$ km83 50 Euro Cents (2008--)
$ km84 1 Euro (2008--)
$ km85 2 Euro (2008--)
$ km89 2 Euro (2009) Ten Years of European Monetary Union Image from Gabor Szalay
$ km97 2 Euro (2012) 10 Years of Euro Coinage
new 2 Euro (2015) 30 years of the EU flag
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