Coin Types from Croatia
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Zara, port and fortress in Dalmatia, Croatia
$ km1 4 Francs - 60 Centimes (1813)
$ km2 9 Francs - 20 Centimes (1813)
$ km3 18 Francs - 40 Centimes (1813) large eagle
$ km4 18 Francs - 40 Centimes (1813) small eagle
$ km2 2 Kune (1941) zinc
$ kmA3 500 Kuna (1941) Ante Pavelic (gold) Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km3 1 Lipa (1993) Corn-Kukuruz, year w/o dot
$ km3 1 Lipa (1995--, odd years) Corn-Kukuruz, year with dot
$ km12 1 Lipa (1994--, even years) Zea mays
$ km13 1 Lipa (1995) FAO
$ km4 2 Lipe (1993) Grapevine-Vinova loza, year w/o dot
$ km4 2 Lipe (1995--, odd years) Grapevine-Vinova loza, year with dot
$ km14 2 Lipe (1994--, even years) Vitis vinifera
$ km36 2 Lipa (1996) Olympics
$ km5 5 Lipa (1993) Oak-Hrast luznjak, year w/o dot
$ km5 5 Lipa (1995--, odd years) Oak-Hrast luznjak, year with dot
$ km15 5 Lipa (1994--, even years) Quercus robur
$ km37 5 Lipa (1996) Olympics
$ km6 10 Lipa (1993) Tobacco-Duhan, year w/o dot Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km6 10 Lipa (1995--, odd years) Tobacco-Duhan, year with dot
$ km16 10 Lipa (1994--, even years) Nicotiana tabacum
$ km38 10 Lipa (1995) United Nations
$ km7 20 Lipa (1993) Olive-Maslina, year w/o dot
$ km7 20 Lipa (1995--, odd years) Olive-Maslina, year with dot
$ km17 20 Lipa (1994--, even years) Olea europaea
$ km18 20 Lipa (1995) FAO
$ km8 50 Lipa (1993) Velebitska degenija, year w/o dot
$ km8 50 Lipa (1995--, odd years) Velebitska degenija, year with dot
$ km19 50 Lipa (1994--, even years) Degenia velebitica
$ km39 50 Lipa (1996) European Soccer
$ km9.1 1 Kuna (1993) Nightingale-Slavuj , year w/o dot
$ km9.1 1 Kuna (1995--, odd years) Nightingale-Slavuj, year with dot
$ km9.2 1 Kuna (1999) 5 years of National Currency
$ km20.1 1 Kuna (1994)Luscinnia megarhynchos, Mistake in name, two NN instead one Coin donated by Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km20.2 1 Kuna (1996--, even years) Luscinia megarhynchos
$ km40 1 Kuna (1996) Olympics
$ km79 1 Kuna (2004) 10 years of National Currency
new 1 Kuna (2014) 20 years of National Currency
$ km10 2 Kune (1993) Tuna-Tunj, year w/o dot
$ km10 2 Kune (1995--, odd years) Tuna-Tunj, year with dot
$ km21 2 Kune (1994--, even years) Thunnus thynnus
$ km22 2 Kune (1995) FAO
$ km11 5 Kuna (1993) Bear-Mrki medvjed, year w/o dot
$ km11 5 Kuna (1995--, odd years) Bear-Mrki medvjed, year with dot
$ km23 5 Kuna (1994--, even years)Ursus arctos
$ km24 5 Kuna (1994) 500 yrs of printing of Senj Glagolitic Missal
$ km24b 5 Kuna (1994) 500 yrs of printing of Senj Glagolitic Missal (gold) Image from Zlatko Viscevic
new 10 Kuna (2010) Louis Braille (gold)
new 20 Kuna (2010) King Tomislav (gold)
$ km47 25 Kuna (1997) Danube Border Region
$ km48 25 Kuna (1997) 5 yrs. U.N. Membership
$ km49 25 Kuna (1997) Esperanto Congress
$ km63 25 Kuna (1998) Lisbon Expo
$ km64 25 Kuna (1999) European Union
$ km65 25 Kuna (2000) New Millenium (human fetus)
$ km66 25 Kuna (2002) 10 yrs. of Independence
$ km78 25 Kuna (2004) Entry into EEU
$ km93 25 Kuna (2010) Zagreb EBRD Annual Meeting
new 25 Kuna (2011) Accession to the E.U.
km94 25 Kuna (2013) E.U. Membership
new 25 Kuna (2016) Anniversary of Independence Image from Croatian National Bank
$ km25.1 100 Kuna (1994) Zagreb Archdiocese and Zagreb 900 yrs -St Blaz Church
$ km25.2 100 Kuna (1994) Zagreb Archdiocese 900 yrs -St Blaz Church -Series II mark added Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km26 100 Kuna (1994) Pope John Paul II Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km27 100 Kuna (1995) 5 yrs of Independence ASW=0.5948
$ km50 100 Kuna (1995) Split 1700 yrs ASW=0.5948
$ km41 100 Kuna (1996) XXVI Olimpiad -Sailboat -Javelin thrower ASW=0.5948
$ km42 100 Kuna (1996) XXVI Olimpiad -Rowing -Water polo ASW=0.5948
$ km28 150 Kuna (1995) 5 yrs of Independence ASW=0.7137 Contributed Image
$ km43 150 Kuna (1996) XXVI Olimpiad -Gymnast -Handball ASW=0.7137
$ km44 150 Kuna (1996) XXVI Olimpiad -Table tennis -Shooting ASW=0.7137
$ km56 150 Kuna (1996) Osijek 800 yrs ASW=0.7137
$ km59 150 Kuna (1997) President Franjo Tudman ASW=0.7137
$ km67 150 Kuna (1997) Vukovar ASW=0.7137
$ km69 150 Kuna (1997) Baranja White-Tailed Eagle ASW=0.7137 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km75 150 Kuna (1997) Croatian as an Official Language 150 Anniversary ASW=0.7137
$ km73 150 Kuna (1998) Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac ASW=0.7137
$ km83 150 Kuna (2006) Winter Olympics ASW=0.7137 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km84 150 Kuna (2006) Soccer Championship -Player ASW=0.7137 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km85 150 Kuna (2006) Soccer Championship -Cartoon Vignette ASW=0.7137 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km86 150 Kuna (2006) Nikola Tesla ASW=0.7137 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km88 150 Kuna (2007) Ivan Mestrovic ASW=0.7092
$ km89 150 Kuna (2007) Benedeikt Kotruljevic ASW=0.7092
$ km90 150 Kuna (2007) Dubrovnik Karaka ASW=0.7092
new 150 Kuna (2008) Olympian Stretching Image from Zlatko Viscevic
new 150 Kuna (2010) FIFA Soccer 2010
new 150 Kuna (2010) 100 yrs of Aviation in Croatia
$ km29.1 200 Kuna (1994) Zagreb Archdiocese and Zagreb 900 yrs -St Marko Church ASW=1.0000
$ km29.2 200 Kuna (1994) Zagreb Archdiocese 900yrs -St Marko Church -Series II mark added ASW=1.0000
$ km30 200 Kuna (1995) 5 yrs. Independence ASW=1.0000 Contributed Image
$ km51 200 Kuna (1995) Split 1700 yrs ASW=1.0000
$ km45 200 Kuna (1996) XXVI Olimpiad -High jumper -Tennis ASW=1.0000
$ km46 200 Kuna (1996) XXVI Olimpiad -Swimming -Basketball ASW=1.0000
$ km54 200 Kuna (1996) University in Zadar 600 yrs ASW=1.0000 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km57 200 Kuna (1996) Osijek 800 yrs ASW=1.0000 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km60 200 Kuna (1997) President Franjo Tudman ASW=1.0000
$ km71 200 Kuna (1997) Baranja -Black storks ASW=1.0000 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km76 200 Kuna (1998) Juraj Julije Klovic ASW=1.0000
$ km77 200 Kuna (1998) Ivana Brlic Mazuranic ASW=1.0000 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km80 200 Kuna (1999) Katarina Zrinska ASW=1.0000 Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km81 200 Kuna (2000) Slava Raskaj ASW=1.0000
$ km31.1 500 Kuna (1994) Zagreb Archdiocese and Zagreb 900 yrs (gold) Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km31.2 500 Kuna (1994) Zagreb Archdiocese 900 yrs -Series II mark added (gold)
$ km32 500 Kuna (1994) 5 yrs of Independence (gold)
$ km52 500 Kuna (1995) Split 1700 yrs (gold) Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km55 500 Kuna (1996) University in Zadar 600 yrs (gold) Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km58 500 Kuna (1996) Osijek 800 yrs (gold)
$ km68 500 Kuna (1997) Vukovar (gold)
$ km70 500 Kuna (1998) Baranja White-Tailed Eagle (gold)
$ km74 500 Kuna (1998) Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac (gold)
$ km82 500 Kuna (2000) Parliament 10 yrs (gold)
$ km33 1000 Kuna (1994) Pope John Paul II (gold) Image from Zlatko Viscevic
$ km34 1000 Kuna (1995) 5 yrs of Independence (gold)
$ km53 1000 Kuna (1995) Split 1700 yrs (gold)
$ km61 1000 Kuna (1995) President Franjo Tudman (gold)
$ km72 1000 Kuna (1997) Baranja -Black storks (gold)
$ km91 1000 Kuna (2007) Andrija Mohorovicic (gold)
$ km92 1000 Kuna (2008) Marin Drzic (gold)
$ km35 1 Ducat (1994) Ruder Boskovic (gold)
$ km62 1 Ducat (1995) Liberation of Knin (gold) Image from Zlatko Viscevic
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