Special Quarters and Halves from Canada

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Commemorative Quarters

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ km68 25 Cents (1967) Centennial (lynx) 80% silver ASW=0.1500
$ km68a 25 Cents (1967) Centennial (lynx) 50% silver ASW=0.0937 Image from Jeff S.
$ km81.1 25 Cents (1973) Centennial (Mounty) For Sale $1.25
$ km207 25 Cents (1992) 125 years
$ km203 25 Cents (1992) New Brunswick
$ km212 25 Cents (1992) Northwest Territories
$ km213 25 Cents (1992) Newfoundland
$ km214 25 Cents (1992) Manitoba
$ km220 25 Cents (1992) Yukon
$ km221 25 Cents (1992) Alberta
$ km222 25 Cents (1992) Prince Edward Island
$ km223 25 Cents (1992) Ontario
$ km231 25 Cents (1992) Nova Scotia
$ km232 25 Cents (1992) British Columbia
$ km233 25 Cents (1992) Saskatchewan
$ km234 25 Cents (1992) Quebec
$ km342 25 Cents (1999) January - Totem Poles
$ km343 25 Cents (1999) February - Petroglyphs
$ km344 25 Cents (1999) March - Lumberjack
$ km345 25 Cents (1999) April - Owl, polar bear
$ km346 25 Cents (1999) May - Voyageurs
$ km347 25 Cents (1999) June - Locomotive
$ km348 25 Cents (1999) July - Stylized portraits
$ km349 25 Cents (1999) August - Hay harvesting
$ km350 25 Cents (1999) September - Child art
$ km351 25 Cents (1999) October - Aboriginal art
$ km352 25 Cents (1999) November - Bush plane
$ km353 25 Cents (1999) December - Geometric design
$ km373 25 Cents (2000) Health
$ km374 25 Cents (2000) Freedom
$ km375 25 Cents (2000) Family
$ km376 25 Cents (2000) Community
$ km377 25 Cents (2000) Harmony
$ km378 25 Cents (2000) Wisdom
$ km379 25 Cents (2000) Creativity
$ km380 25 Cents (2000) Ingenuity
$ km381 25 Cents (2000) Achievement
$ km382 25 Cents (2000) Natural Legacy
$ km383 25 Cents (2000) Celebration
$ km384.1 25 Cents (2000) Pride
$ km419 25 Cents (2001) Spirit of Canada (colorized)
$ km448 25 Cents (2002) 1952-2002
$ km451 25 Cents (2002) Canada Day
$ km451a 25 Cents (2002) Canada Day (colorized)
$ km628 25 Cents (2004) First French Colonies in N. America
$ km510 25 Cents (2004) Remembrance Day (colorized Poppy)
$ km699 25 Cents (2004) Stylized Moose Contributed Image
$ km698 25 Cents (2004) Santa Clause Contributed Image
$ km530 25 Cents (2005) Alberta Centennial
$ km531 25 Cents (2005) Canada Day colorized
$ km532 25 Cents (2005) Saskatchewan Centennial
$ km533 25 Cents (2005) Stuffed Bear colorized
$ km534 25 Cents (2006) Toronto Maple Leafs
$ km535 25 Cents (2005) Year of the Veteran For Sale $0.75
$ km634 25 Cents (2006) Pink Ribbon colorized Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km635 25 Cents (2006) Pink Ribbon applique For Sale $0.50
$ km629 25 Cents (2006) Medal of Bravery
$ km682 25 Cents (2007) Olympic Curling
$ km683 25 Cents (2007) Olympic Ice Hockey For Sale $0.75
$ km684 25 Cents (2007) Olympic Wheelchair Curling
$ km685 25 Cents (2007) Olympic Biathlon
$ km686 25 Cents (2007) Olympic Downhill Skiing
$ km768 25 Cents (2008) Olympic Snowboarding
$ km765 25 Cents (2008) Olympic Freestyle Skiing
$ km1039 25 Cents (2008) Colorized moose head Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km775 25 Cents (2008) Armistice Day
$ km766 25 Cents (2008) Figure Skating
$ km841 25 Cents (2008) Bobsledding For Sale $0.75
$ km840 25 Cents (2009) Cross-country Skiing For Sale $0.75
$ km842 25 Cents (2009) Speed Skating
$ km933 25 Cents (2009) Santa Claus, multicolor
$ km952 25 Cents (2009) Ice Sledge Hockey For Sale $0.75
$ km1063 25 Cents (2009) Mens Hockey
$ km1063a 25 Cents (2009) Mens Hockey - Colorized
$ km1064 25 Cents (2009) Womens Hockey
$ km1064a 25 Cents (2009) Womens Hockey - Colorized
$ km1065 25 Cents (2009) Cindy Klassen
$ km1065a 25 Cents (2009) Cindy Klassen - Colorized
$ km953 25 Cents (2010) Ice Hockey
   km989 25 Cents (2010) wrapped present Image from Jeff S.
$ km1028 25 Cents (2010) Soldier and colorized poppies
$ km1168 25 Cents (2011) Stylized bison
$ km1168a 25 Cents (2011) Stylized bison - colorized
$ km1169 25 Cents (2011) Stylized falcon
$ km1169a 25 Cents (2011) Stylized falcon - colorized
$ km1170 25 Cents (2011) Stylized orca whale
$ km1170a 25 Cents (2011) Stylized orca whale - colorized
   km1322 25 Cents (2012) Sir Isaac Brock
   km1322a 25 Cents (2012) Sir Isaac Brock - colorized
   km1324 25 Cents (2012) Chief Tecumseh
   km1324a 25 Cents (2012) Chief Tecumseh - colorized
   km1700 25 Cents (2013) Laura Secord Image from Buddy Kyler
   km1700a 25 Cents (2013) Laura Secord - colorized Image from Buddy Kyler
   new 25 Cents (2013) Charles de Salaberry Image from Buddy Kyler
   new 25 Cents (2013) Charles de Salaberry - colorized Image from Buddy Kyler
   new 25 Cents (2013) Whales - 2 frosted
   new 25 Cents (2013) Whales - 1 frosted
   km1547 25 Cents (2013) Arctic Expedition - frosted explorers
   km1547 25 Cents (2013) Arctic Expedition - unfrosted
   new 25 Cents (2015) In Flanders Fields Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2015) In Flanders Fields (colorized) Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2015) Canadian Flag
   new 25 Cents (2015) Canadian Flag (colorized) Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2017) Canada 150 - Hope for a green future Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2017) Hope for a green future (Colorized) Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2017) 125 Years Stanley Cup Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2019) Pachyrhinosaurus dinosaur Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2019) Albertosaurus Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2019) Edmontonia dinosaur Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2020) Atlantic Puffin Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2020) Kermode Bear Image from Jeff S.
   new 25 Cents (2020) Narwhal Image from Jeff S.

Commemorative Half Dollars

 C   S  W   C=Collection  S=Spare for Trade  W=Wantlist
$ km69 50 Cents (1967) Centennial (coyote) ASW=0.3000
$ km208 50 Cents (1992) Confederation 125
$ km261 50 Cents (1995) Atlantic Puffin ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km262 50 Cents (1995) Whooping Crane ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km263 50 Cents (1995) Gray Jays ASW=0.2781 Image from Jeff S.
$ km264 50 Cents (1995) White Tailed Ptarmigans ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km283 50 Cents (1996) Moose Calf ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km284 50 Cents (1996) Wood Ducklings ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km285 50 Cents (1996) Cougar Kittens ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km286 50 Cents (1996) Black Bear Cubs ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km292 50 Cents (1997) Duck Tolling Retriever ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km293 50 Cents (1997) Labrador Retriever ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km294 50 Cents (1997) Newfoundland ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km295 50 Cents (1997) Eskimo Dog ASW=0.3469 Image from Jeff S.
$ km318 50 Cents (1998) Killer Whales ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km319 50 Cents (1998) Humpback Whale ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km320 50 Cents (1998) Beluga Whale ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km321 50 Cents (1998) Blue Whale ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km333 50 Cents (1999) 1904 Open Golf Championship ASW=0.2778 Image from Jeff S. For Sale $11.25
$ km335 50 Cents (1999) Canadian Cat, Cymric ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km336 50 Cents (1999) Canadian Cat, Tonkinese ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km337 50 Cents (1999) Canadian Cat, Cougar ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km338 50 Cents (1999) Canadian Cat, Lynx ASW=0.3469 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km389 50 Cents (2000) Great Horned Owl ASW=0.2781 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km390 50 Cents (2000) Red-Tail Hawk ASW=0.2781 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km391 50 Cents (2000) Osprey ASW=0.2781 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km392 50 Cents (2000) Bald Eagle ASW=0.2781 Image from Mike McLaughlin
$ km456 50 Cents (2002) Folklorama ASW=0.2766
   km1180 50 Cents (2011) Winnipeg Jets Image from Jeff S.
   new 50 Cents (2017) Canada 150 Logo Image from Jeff S.
   new 50 Cents (2019) Copper Redhorse fish Image from Jeff S.
   new 50 Cents (2019) Johansens Sulphur butterfly Image from Jeff S.
   new 50 Cents (2019) Kermode Bear Image from Jeff S.
   new 50 Cents (2019) Peary Caribou Image from Jeff S.
   new 50 Cents (2019) Vancouver Marmot Image from Jeff S.

$Other types not yet listed here

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