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$ x1 1 Centavo (2001) Shrimp Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x14 1 Centavo (2008) large leaves
$ x11 2 Centavos (2006) Sea shell Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x15 2 Centavos (2008) fruit on branch
$ x2 5 Centavos (2001) Jelly Fish
$ x16 5 Centavos (2008) berries
$ x3 10 Centavos (2001) Squid Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x17 10 Centavos (2008) pineapple
$ x12 25 Centavos (2006) Fish Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x18 25 Centavos (2008) bananas
$ x9 30 Centavos (2005) 30 yrs Independence Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x4 50 Centavos (2001) Sting Ray
$ x19 50 Centavos (2008) honeycomb bee hive
$ x5 1 Escudo (2003) Fish
$ x20 1 Escudo (2008) rooster
$ x24 1 Escudo (2008) Ten coin designs
$ x6 2.5 Escudos (2003) Fish
$ x21 2.5 Escudos (2008) rabbit
$ x7 5 Escudos (2001) Ramora Fish
$ x10 5 Escudos (2005) 30 yrs Independence Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x22 5 Escudos (2008) piglet
$ x8 7.5 Escudos (2005) fish, pig, rooster Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x23 7.5 Escudos (2008) tree frog
$ x13 10 Escudos (2006) Twelve coin designs Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ x25 1 Avo (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
$ x26 2 Avos (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
$ x27 5 Avos (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
$ x28 10 Avos (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
$ x29 20 Avos (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
$ x30 50 Avos (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
$ x31 1 Real (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
$ x37 1 Real (2011) UNICEF
new 1.5 Real (2011) Elephant
$ x32 2 Reals (2009) Image from Paolo Sannino
new 3 Reals (2011) WWF 50 years
$ x35 5 Reals (2010) Tuna
$ x36 5 Reals (2010) 25 yrs. Independence
new 6.5 Reals (2012) 65 Years K-47 Kalashnikov
new 10 Reals (2011) United Nations
This is my collection of world coins.
Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.