Coin Types from Andorra
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$ km171 1 Centim (1999) FAO
$ km176 1 Centim (2002) Charlemagne
$ km177 1 Centim (2002) Mountain Goat
$ km178 1 Centim (2002) Lamb of God
$ km198 1 Centim (2003) church wall paintings Image from Marcin Lysik
$ km199 1 Centim (2003) Pont de la Margineda bridge
$ km200 1 Centim (2003) Romanesque church
$ km229 1 Centim (2004) Santa Coloma
$ km230 1 Centim (2004) Sant Marti de la Cortinada
$ km231 1 Centim (2004) Altar at Santa Coloma
$ km236 1 Centim (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km245 1 Centim (2005-2008) Findern flower
$ km290 1 Centim (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km306 1 Centim (2007) Pope Leo XIII
$ km179 2 Centims (2002) Grandalla
$ km201 2 Centims (2003) Clavell Deltoide flower
$ km232 2 Centims (2004) West Gothic robe
$ km237 2 Centims (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km246 2 Centims (2005-2008) Pyrenean Chamois
$ km291 2 Centims (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km307 2 Centims (2007) Pope Pius X
$ km180 5 Centims (2002) Squirrel on tree stump
$ km181 5 Centims (2002) Male Turkey
$ km202 5 Centims (2003) Cross of Seven Arms
$ km203 5 Centims (2003) church wall paintings
$ km233 5 Centims (2004) Gothic cross
$ km234 5 Centims (2004) Lady of Canolic
$ km238 5 Centims (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km247 5 Centims (2005-2008) church wall paintings
$ km292 5 Centims (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km308 5 Centims (2007) Pope Benedict XV
$ km182 10 Centims (2002) St. Joan de Caselles
$ km204 10 Centims (2003) wood carving
$ km235 10 Centims (2004) Casa de la Vall Image from David Garcia Hernandez
$ km239 10 Centims (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km248 10 Centims (2005-2008) Sant Vincenc Denclar church
$ km293 10 Centims (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km309 10 Centims (2007) Pope Pius XI
$ km33 25 Centims (1986) Joan D. M. Bisbe From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km109 25 Centimes (1995) 50 yrs. FAO
$ km240 25 Centims (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km249 25 Centims (2005-2008) Our Lady of Meritxell sanctuary
$ km294 25 Centims (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km310 25 Centims (2007) Pope Pius XII
$ km241 50 Centims (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km250 50 Centims (2005-2008) Map of Andorra
$ km295 50 Centims (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km311 50 Centims (2007) Pope John XXIII
$ km14 1 Diner (1983) Joan D.M. Bisbe D Urgell Image from Jordi from Catalonia
$ km242 1 Diner (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km251 1 Diner (2005-2008) Our Lady of Meritxell sanctuary
$ km296 1 Diner (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km299 1 Diner (2006) Chess Pawn - nickel
$ km299a 1 Diner (2006) Chess Pawn - brass
$ km300 1 Diner (2006) Chess Rook - nickel
$ km300a 1 Diner (2006) Chess Rook - brass
$ km301 1 Diner (2006) Chess Knight - nickel
$ km301a 1 Diner (2006) Chess Knight - brass
$ km302 1 Diner (2006) Chess Bishop - nickel
$ km302a 1 Diner (2006) Chess Bishop - brass
$ km303 1 Diner (2006) Chess Queen - nickel
$ km303a 1 Diner (2006) Chess Queen - brass
$ km304 1 Diner (2006) Chess King - nickel
$ km304a 1 Diner (2006) Chess King - brass
$ km312 1 Diner (2007) Pope Paul VI
$ km268 1 Dinar (2008-2011) Eagle ASW=0.9990 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km19 2 Diners (1984) Brown Bear
$ km20 2 Diners (1984) Red Squirrel
$ km21 2 Diners (1984) Chamois
$ km27 2 Diners (1985) Skier
$ km28 2 Diners (1985) High Jumper
$ km46 2 Diners (1987) Olympics Image from Antonio Monte
$ km140 2 Diners (1997) Olympic Bobsled ASW=0.5948 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km243 2 Diners (2005) Death of Pope John-Paul II
$ km252 2 Diners (2005-2008) Signing of the Umpirage
$ km297 2 Diners (2006) Joseph Ratzinger
$ km313 2 Diners (2007) Pope John Paul I
$ km155 5 Diners (1999) World globe amid stars Image from Sindre L. Forsetlokken
$ km324 5 Diners (2011) beatification of Pope John Paul II ASW=0.5910
$ km55 10 Diners (1989) Olympic Downhill skier ASW=0.3569 Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km60 10 Diners (1989) World Cup Soccer ASW=0.3569 Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km97 10 Diners (1994) Woman and Globe ASW=0.9359 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ x5 50 Diners (1960) Charlemagne ASW=0.8102 From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km520 1 Euro cent (2014--)
$ km521 2 Euro cents (2014--)
$ km522 5 Euro cents (2014--) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km523 10 Euro cents (2014--) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km524 20 Euro cents (2014--) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km525 50 Euro cents (2014--) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km526 1 Euro (2014--) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km527 2 Euro (2014--) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
new 2 Euro (2014) 20 yrs. membership in European Council
new 2 Euro (2015) 30 Yrs. of voting rights reform
new 2 Euro (2015) Customs Agreement with EU
This is my collection of world coins.
Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.