Coin Types from Albania
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$ km1 5 Qindar Leku (1926)
$ km2 10 Qindar Leku (1926) Contributed Image
$ km14 1 Qindar Ar (1935) Contributed Image
$ km15 2 Qindar Ari (1935) Contributed Image
$ km6 1 Frang Ar (1927,1928) ASW=0.1342
$ km16 1 Frang Ar (1935,1937) ASW=0.1342 Contributed Image
$ km18 1 Frang Ar (1937) ASW=0.1342
$ km7 2 Franga Ari (1926-1928) ASW=0.2684
$ km17 2 Franga Ari (1935) ASW=0.2684 Contributed Image
$ km19 2 Franga Ari (1937) ASW=0.2684 Contributed Image
$ km8.1 5 Franga Ari (1926,1927) ASW=0.7234 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km8.2 5 Franga Ari (1926) ASW=0.7234
$ km9 10 Franga Ari (1927)
$ km12 20 Franga Ari (1926-1927)
$ km10 20 Franga Ari (1926,1927)
$ km20 20 Franga Ari (1937)
$ km22 20 Franga Ari (1938) Marriage
$ km24 20 Franga Ari (1938) Anniv. of Reign
$ km25 50 Franga Ari (1938)
$ km11.1 100 Franga Ari (1926) Head left
$ km11.2 100 Franga Ari (1926) Star below
$ km11.3 100 Franga Ari (1926) 2 stars below
$ km11a.1 100 Franga Ari (1927) Head left
$ km11a.2 100 Franga Ari (1927) Star below
$ km11a.3 100 Franga Ari (1927) 2 stars below
$ km21 100 Franga Ari (1937)
$ km23 100 Franga Ari (1938) Marriage
$ km26 100 Franga Ari (1938) Anniv. of Reign
$ km39 5 Qindarka (1964)
$ km44 5 Qindarka ND(1969) 25 yrs. Liberation Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km71 5 Qindarka (1988) Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km40 10 Qindarka (1964)
$ km45 10 Qindarka ND(1969) Liberation Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km60 10 Qindarka (1988)
$ km41 20 Qindarka (1964)
$ km46 20 Qindarka (1969) Liberation
$ km65 20 Qindarka (1988)
$ km42 50 Qindarka (1964)
$ km47 50 Qindarka (1969) 25 yrs. Liberation
$ km72 50 Qindarka (1988)
$ km3 1/4 Leku (1926-27)
$ km35 1/2 Leku (1947,1957)
$ km27 .05 Lek (1940,1941) Image from Chris Rich
$ km28 .10 Lek (1940,1941) Contributed Image
$ km29 .20 Leke (1939-1941)
$ km4 1/2 Lek (1926) Contributed Image
$ km13 1/2 Lek (1930-31)
$ km30 .50 Lek (1939-1941)
$ km5 1 Lek (1926-31)
$ km31 1 Lek (1939-1941)
$ km36 1 Lek (1947,1957)
$ km43 1 Lek (1964) Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km48 1 Lek ND(1969) 25 yrs. Liberation Coin donated by Buddy Kyler
$ km66 1 Lek (1988) aluminum-bronze Image from Gienek Szalay
$ km74 1 Lek (1988) aluminum Image from Gundars Sokolovskis
$ km75 1 Lek (1996) bronze
km75a 1 Lek (2008-2013) copper plated steel
$ km32 2 Lek (1939)
$ km37 2 Leke (1947,1957)
$ km67 2 Leke (1989) Anniv. WWII
$ km73 2 Leke (1989)
$ km33 5 Leke (1939) ASW=0.1342 Contributed Image
$ km38 5 Leke (1947,1957)
$ km49.1 5 Leke ND(1969) Proof Victory ASW=0.5351
$ km49.2 5 Leke (1969) Proof Victory ASW=0.5351
$ km49.3 5 Leke (1970) Proof Victory ASW=0.5351
$ km57 5 Leke (1987) Durazzo Seaport Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km57a 5 Leke (1987) Proof Durazzo Seaport
$ km61 5 Leke (1988) First Railroad Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km76 5 Leke (1995-2011)
$ km34 10 Lek (1939) ASW=0.2684 Contributed Image
$ km50.1 10 Leke ND Skanderberg ASW=1.0705
$ km50.2 10 Leke (1969) Proof Skanderberg ASW=1.0705
$ km50.3 10 Leke (1970) Proof Skanderberg ASW=1.0705
$ km50.4 10 Leke (1970) Proof Skanderberg hallmark ASW=1.0705
$ km68 10 Leke (1991) Olympics (incuse) ASW=1.5613
$ km69 10 Leke (1991) Olympics ASW=1.5613
$ km70 10 Leke (1992) Boxing ASW=0.8463
$ km77 10 Leke (1996,2000)
$ km93 10 Leke (2005) Tirana as Capitol Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km94 10 Leke (2005) Ornate Vest Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
km77a 10 Leke (2009-2013) brass plated steel
$ km51.1 20 Leke (1968) Skanderberg Helmet
$ km51.2 20 Leke (1968) Proof Skanderberg Helmet
$ km51.3 20 Leke (1968) Helmet (Cornucopia)
$ km51.4 20 Leke (1969) Proof Skanderberg Helmet
$ km51.5 20 Leke (1970) Proof Skanderberg Helmet
$ km51.6 20 Leke (1970) Proof Helmet (1 Ar)
$ km78 20 Leke (1996,2000) brass
$ km87 20 Leke (2002) Apollo portrait
km78a 20 Leke (2012) brass plated steel Image from Roger Zimmerman
$ km52.1 25 Leke (1968) Proof Sword Dance ASW=2.6763
$ km52.2 25 Leke (1969) Proof Sword Dance ASW=2.6763
$ km52.3 25 Leke (1970) Proof Sword Dance ASW=2.6763
$ km53.1 50 Leke (1968) Proof Ruins
$ km53.2 50 Leke (1969) Proof Ruins
$ km53.3 50 Leke (1970) Proof Ruins
$ km58 50 Leke (1987) Proof Durazzo (silver) ASW=5.0005
$ km58a 50 Leke (1987) Proof Durazzo (gold)
$ km62 50 Leke (1988) Proof 1st Railroad ASW=5.0005
$ km79 50 Leke (1996,2000)
$ km81 50 Leke (2001) Michaelangelos David Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km88 50 Leke (2002) Sami Frasheri
$ km89 50 Leke (2003) Jeronim de Rada
$ km86 50 Leke (2003) Ancient Illyrian helmet
$ km90 50 Leke (2004) wheel design Coin donated by Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km91 50 Leke (2004) Soldier Coin donated by Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km54.1 100 Leke (1968) Proof Peasant Girl
$ km54.2 100 Leke (1969) Proof Peasant Girl
$ km54.3 100 Leke (1970) Proof Peasant Girl
$ km59 100 Leke (1987) Proof Durazzo
$ km63 100 Leke (1988) Proof 1st Railroad
$ km80 100 Lek (2000) Teuta Coin donated by Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km82 100 Leke (2001) Michaelangelos David ASW=0.4639 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km84 100 Leke (2001) Dove in flight ASW=0.4432
$ km92 100 Leke (2002) Proof Guns ASW=0.8864
$ km55.1 200 Leke (1968) Proof Ruins
$ km55.2 200 Leke (1969) Proof Ruins
$ km55.3 200 Leke (1970) Proof Ruins
$ km83 200 Leke (2001) Michaelangelos David
$ km85 200 Leke (2001) Dove in flight ASW=0.4432
$ km56.1 500 Leke (1968) Proof Skanderberg
$ km56.2 500 Leke (1969) Proof Skanderberg
$ km56.3 500 Leke (1970) Proof Skanderberg
$ km64 7500 Leke (1988) Proof 1st Railroad
This is my collection of world coins.
Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.