Coin Types from Tonga
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$ km4 1 Seniti (1967)
$ km27 1 Seniti (1968) Image from Don Evans
$ km27a 1 Seniti (1974)
$ km42 1 Seniti (1975,1979) FAO
$ km66 1 Seniti (1981-2005) bronze
$ km66a 1 Seniti (2002-2005) copper plated steel
$ km5 2 Seniti (1967)
$ km28 2 Seniti (1968,1974) Giant Tortoise From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km43 2 Seniti (1975,1979) FAO
$ km67 2 Seniti (1981-1996)
$ km67a 2 Seniti (2002-2004) copper plated steel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km6 5 Seniti (1967) Image from R.Goodacre
$ km29 5 Seniti (1968,1974) Image from Antonio Monte
$ km44 5 Seniti (1975-1979) FAO
$ km68 5 Seniti (1981-1996) copper-nickel
$ km68a 5 Seniti (2002-2005) nickel plated steel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
new 5 Seniti (2015) Tupou VI From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km7 10 Seniti (1967)
$ km30 10 Seniti (1968,1974)
$ km45 10 Seniti (1975-1979) FAO
$ km69 10 Seniti (1981-1996) copper-nickel
$ km69a 10 Seniti (2002-2005) nickel plated steel
new 10 Seniti (2015) Tupou VI From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km8 20 Seniti (1967) Image from R.Goodacre
$ km13 20 Seniti (1967) Coronation
$ km31 20 Seniti (1968,1974)
$ km46 20 Seniti (1975-1979) FAO - Honey Bees
$ km70 20 Seniti (1981-1996)
$ km70.1 20 Senti (2002-2004) Yams From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
new 20 Seniti (2011) FAO copper-nickel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
new 20 Seniti (2015) Tupou VI From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km9 50 Seniti (1967) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km10 50 Seniti (1967) counterstamped In Memoriam
$ km15 50 Seniti (1967) Coronation
$ km32 50 Seniti (1968)
$ km41 50 Seniti (1974) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km47 50 Seniti (1975-1978) Circles of Fish
$ km71 50 Seniti (1981-1996) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km82 50 Seniti (1985) Silver Ghost and Rolls-Royce Automobiles
$ km98 50 Seniti (1985) Queen Mother as a young girl
$ km99 50 Seniti (1985) Wedding of King George VI
$ km100 50 Seniti (1985) King George VI and Elizabeth
$ km101 50 Seniti (1985) Queen Mother holding Elizabeth
$ km102 50 Seniti (1985) The Queen Mother
new 50 Seniti (2011) FAO From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
new 50 Seniti (2015) Tupou VI From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km11 1 Pa-anga (1967) King Salote Tupou III
$ km12 1 Pa-anga (1967) Gilt km11 Countermarked - In Memoriam
$ km17 1 Pa-anga (1967) Coronation
$ km33 1 Pa-anga (1968,1974) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km34 1 Pa-anga (1968) Gilt Countermarked Oil Research
$ km35 1 Pa-anga (1968) Countermark - Commonwealth Member Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km48 1 Pa-anga (1975) 100 Palms Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km57 1 Pa-anga (1977) FAO Image from Dan Ramer
$ km58 1 Pa-anga (1978) 60th Birthday Image from Dan Ramer
$ km60 1 Pa-anga (1979) FAO Tech. Coop. Program Image from Dan Ramer
$ km62 1 Pa-anga (1980) Rural Womens Advancement
$ km72 1 Pa-anga (1981) World Food Day Image from Helena Amaral
$ km77 1 Pa-anga (1982) Praying hands Image from Don Evans
$ km128 1 Pa-anga (1986) 25th Anniversary of WWF Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km143 1 Pa-anga (1991) Pritchards Megapode Birds ASW=0.9397 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km157 1 Pa-anga (1992) Football World Championship ASW=0.9397 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km159 1 Pa-anga (1994) Olympic Javalin ASW=0.9382 Image from Antonio Monte
$ km217 1 Pa-anga (2004) World Cup Soccer ASW=0.9359 Image from Andrej Smrdu
new 1 Pa-anga (2015) George Tupou V From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km19 2 Pa-anga (1967) Coronation From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km38 2 Pa-anga (1968) Gilt Countermarked Oil Research
$ km36 2 Pa-anga (1968) Countermark - Investiture 1971 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km37 2 Pa-anga (1968,1974) King Taufa-ahau IV Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km39 2 Pa-anga (1968) Commonwealth Member/1970
$ km49 2 Pa-anga (1977) animals, grains, fruits Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km59 2 Pa-anga (1978) FAO 60th birthday
$ km61 2 Pa-anga (1979) SEA Resouce Management Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km63 2 Pa-anga (1980) Humpback Whale Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km73 2 Pa-anga (1981) pigs, chickens, nursing cow Image from Hans Grootswangers
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