Coin Types from Sudan
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Egyptian Sudan:
$ km21 20 Piastres (AH1302-1312) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km26 20 Piastres (1896-1897) Image from Nicolas Dupont
$ km29 1 Millim (1956-1971) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km39 1 Millim (1970-1971)
$ km30 2 Millim (1956-1969)
$ km31 5 Millim (1956-1969) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km41 5 Millim (1970-1971)
$ km47 5 Millim (1971)
$ km53 5 Millim - FAO (1972,1973)
$ km54 5 Millim (1972)
$ km54a.2 5 Millim (1978)
$ km60 5 Millim (1976,1978)
$ km94 5 Millim (1976)
$ km32 10 Millim (1956-1969)
$ km42 10 Millim (1970-1971) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km48 10 Millim (1971)
$ km55 10 Millim (1972)
$ km55a.1 10 Millim (1975, 1978) large legend
$ km55a.2 10 Millim (1978) ribbon with long center section large legend
$ km55a.3 10 Millim (1980) small legend
$ km61 10 Millim (1976,1978)
$ km62 10 Millim (1976) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km111 10 Millim (1980)
$ km97 1 Ghirsh (1983) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km99 1 Ghirsh (1987)
$ km33 2 Ghirsh (1956,1962) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km36 2 Ghirsh (1963-1969)
$ km43 2 Ghirsh (1970)
$ km49 2 Ghirsh (1971)
$ km57 2 Ghirsh (1975-1983)
$ km63 2 Ghirsh (1976,1978) FAO
$ km64 2 Ghirsh (1976) 20 yrs. Independence
$ km34.1 5 Ghirsh (1956-1969)
$ km34.2 5 Ghirsh (1967-1969) Image from Don Evans
$ km51 5 Ghirsh (1971)
$ km58.3 5 Ghirsh (1977-1980)
$ km58.1 5 Ghirsh (1975) ribbon w/ 3 equal sections
$ km58.4 5 Ghirsh (1980) large legend Image from Ole Sjoelund
$ km65 5 Ghirsh (1976,1978) FAO
$ km66 5 Ghirsh (1976) 20 yrs Independence
$ km74 5 Ghirsh (1978) Economic Unity Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km84 5 Ghirsh (1981) FAO cow and calf
$ km110.1 5 Ghirsh (1983) ribbon w/ 3 equal sections
$ km100 5 Ghirsh (1987) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km35.1 10 Ghirsh (1956-1969)
$ km35.2 10 Ghirsh (1967-1969) Image from Don Evans
$ km45.1 10 Ghirsh (1970,1971) large Arabic legend
$ km45.2 10 Ghirsh (1970,1971) small Arabic legend
$ km52 10 Ghirsh (1971) Anniversary of Revolution
$ km59.2 10 Ghirsh (1980) wide center ribbon Image from Akshay Seth
$ km59.5 10 Ghirsh (1977,1980)
$ km67 10 Ghirsh (1976,1978) FAO
$ km68 10 Ghirsh (1976) 20 years Independence
$ km95 10 Ghirsh (1978) Economic Unity
$ km85 10 Ghirsh (1981) FAO cow and calf
$ km107 10 Ghirsh (1987) Central Bank Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km37 20 Ghirsh (1967-1969) Image from Don Evans
$ km96 20 Ghirsh (1985) FAO
$ km98 20 Ghirsh (1983)
$ km101.1 20 Ghirsh (1987) Central Bank small value
$ km101.2 20 Ghirsh (1987) Central Bank large value
$ km38 25 Ghirsh (1968) FAO Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km102 25 Ghirsh (1987) Central Bank
$ km108 25 Ghirsh (1989)
$ km56.1 50 Ghirsh (1972) FAO - large design
$ km56.2 50 Ghirsh (1972) FAO - small design
$ km69 50 Ghirsh (1976) Est. of Arab Cooperative
$ km73 50 Ghirsh (1977) 8th Anniv. 1969 Revolt
$ km103 50 Ghirsh (1987) Central Bank
$ km105 50 Ghirsh (1989) 33 yrs Independence
$ km109 50 Ghirsh (1989)
$ km75 1 Pound (1978) Rural women
$ km104 1 Pound (1987) Central Bank
$ km106 1 Pound (1989)
km127 1 Pound (2011) nickel plated steel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km71 5 Pounds (1976) Hippo with calf ASW=1.0408 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km87 5 Pounds (1981) Year of the Child ASW=0.5781 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km117 1/4 Dinar (1994)
$ km118 1/2 Dinar (1994)
$ km112 1 Dinar (1994) Central Bank
$ km113 2 Dinar (1994) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km114 5 Dinar (1996) Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km119 5 Dinar (2003) Image from Ole Sjoelund
$ km115 10 Dinars (1996) Image from Gundars Sokolovskis
$ km120 10 Dinar (2002-2003) Image from Ole Sjoelund
$ km116 20 Dinar (1996,1999)
$ km121 50 Dinar (2002) Image from Vic Krysko
$ km126 1 Piastre (2006)
$ km125 5 Piastres (2006)
$ km122 10 Piastres (2006)
$ km124 20 Piastres (2006)
$ km123 50 Piastres (2006) Dove
South Sudan:
new 10 Piasters (2015--)
new 20 Piasters (2015--)
new 50 Piasters (2015--)
new 1 Pound (2015) Giraffes From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
new 2 Pounds (2015) shield and spears From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
Darfur Sultanate:
$ x1 5 Dinars (2008) African Wild Dog
$ x2 10 Dinars (2008) African Civet
$ x3 25 Dinars (2008) Camel
$ x4 50 Dinars (2008) Hartebeest
$ x5 100 Dinars (2008) Leopard
$ x6 250 Dinars (2008) African Elephant
$ x7 500 Dinars (2008) Nile Crocodile
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