Coin Types from the Republic of South Africa:

km#56 1/2 Cent (1961-1964)

km#81 1/2 Cent (1970-1983)

km#57 1 Cent (1961-1964)

km#65.1 1 Cent (1965-1969) English legend

km#65.2 1 Cent (1965-1969) Afrikaans legend

km#74.1 1 Cent (1968) English legend

km#74.2 1 Cent (1968) Afrikaans legend

km#82 1 Cent (1970-1989)

km#91 1 Cent (1976) President Fouche

km#98 1 Cent (1979) President Diederichs

km#109 1 Cent (1982) President Vorster

km#132 1 Cent (1990-1996)

km#158 1 Cent (1996) Zulu legend

km#170 1 Cent (1997+) Ndebele legend

km#221 1 Cent (2000-2001)

km#66.1 2 Cents (1965-1969)

km#66.2 2 Cents (1965-1969) Afrikaans legend

km#75.1 2 Cents (1968) President Swart

km#75.2 2 Cents (1968) Afrikaans legend

km#83 2 Cents (1970-1989)

km#92 2 Cents (1976) President Fouche

km#99 2 Cents (1979) President Diederichs

km#110 2 Cents (1982) President Vorster

km#133 2 Cents (1990-1995)

km#159 2 Cents (1996+) Venda legend

km#222 2 Cents (2000-2001)

km#58 2.5 Cents (1961-1964)

km#59 5 Cents (1961-1964)

km#67.1 5 Cents (1965-1969)

km#67.2 5 Cents (1965-1969) Afrikaans legend

km#76.1 5 Cents (1968) English Legend

km#76.2 5 Cents (1968) Afrikaans legend

km#84 5 Cents (1970-1989)

km#93 5 Cents (1976) President Fouche

km#100 5 Cents (1979) President Diederichs

km#111 5 Cents (1982) President Vorster

km#134 5 Cents (1990-1998)

km#160 5 Cents (1996-1998) Tsonga Legend

km#223 5 Cents (2000-2001) Afrika-Dzonga

km#268 5 Cents (2002)

km#324 5 Cents (2003) Afrika-Dzonga (lower case)

km#325 5 Cents (2004) English legend

km#291 5 Cents (2005) Aforika Borwa

new 5 Cents (2006)

km#340 5 Cents (2007) Suid-Afrika

new 5 Cents (2008) uMzantsi Afrika

km#60 10 Cents (1961-1964)

km#68.1 10 Cents (1965-1969) English Legend

km#68.2 10 Cents (1965-1969) Afrikaans legend

km#77.2 10 Cents (1968) Afrikaans legend

km#85 10 Cents (1970-1989)

km#94 10 Cents (1976) President Fouche

km#101 10 Cents (1979)

km#112 10 Cents (1982)

km#135 10 Cents (1990-1995)

km#161 10 Cents (1996+) English Legend

km#224 10 Cents (2001) SOUTH AFRICA

km#269 10 Cents (2002)

new 10 Cents (2003) South Africa (lower case)

km#326 10 Cents (2004)

km#292 10 Cents (2005) Africa Borwa

new 10 Cents (2006) Suid-Afrika

km#341 10 Cents (2007) uMzantsi Afrika

new 10 Cents (2008) iNingizimu Afrika

km#61 20 Cents (1961-1964)

km#69.1 20 Cents (1965-1969) English legend

km#69.2 20 Cents (1965-1969)

km#78.1 20 Cents (1968) English legend

km#86 20 Cents (1970-1989)

km#95 20 Cents (1976) President Fouche

km#102 20 Cents (1979)

km#113 20 Cents (1982)

km#136 20 Cents (1990-1995)

km#162 20 Cents (1996-1999)

km#225 20 Cents (2000+)

km#270 20 Cents (2002)

km#327 20 Cents (2003)

km#328 20 Cents (2004)

km#293 20 Cents (2005) Suid Afrika

new 20 Cents (2006) uMzantsi Afrika

km#342 20 Cents (2007) iNingizimu Afrika

km#343 20 Cents (2008) iSewula Afrika

km#62 50 Cents (1961-1964)

km#70.1 50 Cents (1965-1969) English Legend

km#70.2 50 Cents (1965-1969) Afrikaans legend

km#79.1 50 Cents (1969) English legend

km#79.2 50 Cents (1968) Afrikaans legend

km#87 50 Cents (1970-1989)

km#96 50 Cents (1976) President Fouche

km#103 50 Cents (1979) President Diederichs

km#114 50 Cents (1982) President Vorster

km#137 50 Cents (1990-1995)

km#163 50 Cents (1996+) Sotho Legend

km#226 50 Cents (2000-2001) AFRIKA BORWA

km#271 50 Cents (2002) Aforika Borwa

km#287 50 Cents (2002) Soccer player

km#330 50 Cents (2003) Afrika Borwa (lower case)

km#276 50 Cents (2003) Cricket player

km#331 50 Cents (2004) Suid-Afrika

km#294 50 Cents (2005) uMzantsi Afrika

new 50 Cents (2006) iNingizimu Afrika

new 50 Cents (2007) iSewula Afrika

new 50 Cents (2008) Afurika Tshipembe

km#71.1 1 Rand (1965-1968) English Legend

km#71.2 1 Rand (1965-1968) Afrikaans legend

km#72.1 1 Rand (1967) English legend

km#72.2 1 Rand (1967) Afrikaans

km#80.1 1 Rand (1969) English legend

km#80.2 1 Rand (1969) Afrikaans legend

km#88 1 Rand (1970-1990)

km#88a 1 Rand (1977-1989)

km#89 1 Rand (1974) 50 yrs. Pretoria Mint

km#104 1 Rand (1979) President Diederichs

km#115 1 Rand (1982) President Vorster

km#116 1 Rand (1985) Parliament Building

km#117 1 Rand (1985) President Marais Viljoen

km#119 1 Rand (1986) Johannesburg city view

km#120 1 Rand (1986) Year of the Disabled

km#122 1 Rand (1988) Bartolomeu Dias

km#125 1 Rand (1988) Huguenots

km#128 1 Rand (1988) The Great Trek

km#141 1 Rand (1990) President Botha

km#138 1 Rand (1991-1995)

km#142 1 Rand (1991) Nursing Schools

km#143 1 Rand (1992) Coinage Centennial

km#148 1 Rand (1990) President Botha

km#164 1 Rand (1996-2000)

km#227 1 Rand (2000-2001) nickel-plated steel

km#272 1 Rand (2002)

km#275 1 Rand (2002) World Development Summit

km#332 1 Rand (2003) uMzantsi Afrika - Suid Afrika

km#333 1 Rand (2004)

km#295 1 Rand (2005) iSewula Afrika - iNingizimu Afrika

new 1 Rand (2006) Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika

new 1 Rand (2007) Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe

new 1 Rand (2008) Afrika-Dzonga Ningizimu Afrika

km#139 2 Rand (1989-1995)

km#165 2 Rand (1996-2000)

km#228 2 Rand (2000-2001) UMZANTSI AFRIKA

km#273 2 Rand (2002)

km#335 2 Rand (2003) iNingizimu Afrika - iSewula Afrika

km#337 5 Rand (2003) Afurika Tshipembe

km#334 2 Rand (2004) 10 Years of Freedom

km#336 2 Rand (2004) Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika

km#296 2 Rand (2005) Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe

new 2 Rand (2006) Afrika-Dzonga Ningizimu Afrika

new 2 Rand (2007) South Africa - Afrika-Dzonga

new 2 Rand (2008) Aforika Borwa South Africa

km#140 5 Rand (1991-1995)

km#150 5 Rand (1994) Presidential Inauguration

km#166 5 Rand (1996-2000) Zulu/Swati legend

km#229 5 Rand (2000-2001) Iningizimu Afrika

km#230 5 Rand (2000) Nelson Mandela

km#274 5 Rand (2002) legend changed

km#281 5 Rand (2004) Ningizimu Africa

km#297 5 Rand (2005) Afrika Dzonga

new 5 Rand (2006) Aforika Borwa - South Africa

new 5 Rand (2007) Aforika Borwa - Afrika Borwa

new 5 Rand (2008) Nelson Mandela

km#105 1/10 Krugerrand (1980+) 0.917 gold

km#106 1/4 Krugerrand (1980+) 0.917 gold

km#73 1 Krugerrand (1967+) 1 ounce gold bullion

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This is my collection of world coins. Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting. Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction. Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies. Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.