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$ km32 1/2 Larin (AH1216-1248)
$ km35 1/2 Larin (AH1257-1298)
$ km38 1 Larin (AH1318)
$ km41 1 Larin (AH1331) 1912
$ km36 2 Lariat (AH1298)
$ km39 2 Lariat (AH1318-19) 1901
$ km40 4 Lariat (AH1320) 1902
$ km42 4 Lariat (1913) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km43 1 Laari (1960)
$ km49 1 Laari (1970,1979)
$ km68 1 Laari (1984,2002) palm tree
new 1 Laari (2012) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km44 2 Laari (1960)
$ km50 2 Laari (1970,1979) aluminum
$ km45 5 Laari (1960-1970) nickel-brass Image from Rolf Spitz
km45a 5 Laari (1960) bronze
km45b 5 Laari (1970-1979) aluminum
$ km69 5 Laari (1984,1990) bonito fish
new 5 Laari (2012) bonito fish - round From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km46 10 Laari (1960) Image from Rolf Spitz
$ km46a 10 Laari (1979)
$ km70 10 Laari (1984,2001) sailing ship
new 10 Laari (2012) sailing ship - round From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km47.1 25 Laari (1960) security edge
$ km47.2 25 Laari (1960) reeded edge
$ km47.3 25 Laari (1979)
$ km71 25 Laari (1984-1996)
$ km48.1 50 Laari (1960,1979) security edge
$ km48.2 50 Laari (1960,1979) reeded edge
$ km72 50 Laari (1984-1995)
$ km73 1 Rufiyaa (1982) coated steel From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km73a 1 Rufiyaa (1984-1996) copper-nickel
$ km73b 1 Rufiyaa (2007) nickel plated steel
$ km88 2 Rufiyaa (1995,2007)
$ km55 5 Rufiyaa (1977) Bonito fish Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km57 5 Rufiyaa (1978) FAO Spiny Lobster Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km100 5 Ruufiyaa (1998) Int.Year of the Reef Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km59 10 Rufiyaa (1979) Woman weaving Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km59a 10 Rufiyaa (1979) Woman weaving (silver) ASW=0.7435
$ km62 10 Rufiyaa (1980) Girl making embroidery Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
$ km61 20 Rufiyaa (1979) Year of the Child ASW=0.8410 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km58 25 Rufiyaa (1978) Sailing ship ASW=0.4509 Image from Andrej Smrdu
xma1 25 Rufiyaa (1984) early sailing ship
$ km60 100 Rufiyaa (1979) Woman making mats ASW=0.7273 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km60a 100 Rufiyaa (1979) FAO ASW=0.8410
$ km63 100 Rufiyaa (1980) Coconut Palm ASW=0.7273 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km98 100 Rufiyaa (1998) Olympic Swimmer ASW=0.5369 Image from Andrej Smrdu
$ km80 250 Rufiyaa (1990) Olympic Swimmer and Diver ASW=0.9359 Image from Zdravko Bosnjak
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This is my collection of world coins.
Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.