km#1 1 Lepton (1900-1901)
km#2 2 Lepta (1900-1901)
km#3 5 Lepta (1900)
km#4 10 Lepta (1900)
km#5 20 Lepta (1900)
km#6 50 Lepta (1901)
km#7 1 Drachma (1901)
km#8 2 Drachmai (1901)
km#9 5 Drachmai (1901)
km#40 1 Lepton (1869-1870)
km#41 2 Lepta (1869)
km#2 5 Lepta (1828,1830)
km#16 5 Lepta (1833-1842)
km#42 5 Lepta (1869-1870)
km#54 5 Lepta (1878-1882)
km#58 5 Lepta (1894-1895)
km#62 5 Lepta (1912)
km#77 5 Lepta (1954,1971)
km#12 10 Lepta (1831) Phoenix without circle
km#29 10 Lepta (1847-1857)
km#43 10 Lepta (1869-1870)
km#55 10 Lepta (1878-1882)
km#59 10 Lepta (1894-1895)
km#63 10 Lepta (1912)
km#66 10 Lepta (1922)
km#78 10 Lepta (1954-1971)
km#102 10 Lepta (1973) Soldier and Phoenix
km#103 10 Lepta (1973) Phoenix only
km#113 10 Lepta (1967-1978)
km#57 20 Lepta (1893-1895)
km#64 20 Lepta (1912)
km#67 20 Lepta (1926)
km#79 20 Lepta (1954-1971)
km#104 20 Lepta (1973) Soldier in front of Phoenix
km#105 20 Lepta (1973)
km#114 20 Lepta (1976-1978)
km#37 50 Lepta (1868-1883)
km#68 50 Lepta (1926)
km#80 50 Lepta (1954-1965)
km#88 50 Lepta (1966,1970)
km#97.1 50 Lepta (1971,1973)
km#106 50 Lepta (1973)
km#115 50 Lepta (1976-1986)
km#38 1 Drachma (1868-1883)
km#60 1 Drachma (1910-1911)
km#69 1 Drachma (1926)
km#81 1 Drachma (1954-1965)
km#89 1 Drachma (1966-1970)
km#98 1 Drachma (1971,1973)
km#107 1 Drachma (1973)
km#116 1 Drachma (1976-1986)
km#150 1 Drachma (1988-1993)
km#61 2 Drachmai (1911)
km#70 2 Drachmai (1926)
km#82 2 Drachmai (1954-1965)
km#90 2 Drachmai (1966-1970)
km#99 2 Drachmai (1971,1973)
km#108 2 Drachmai (1973)
km#117 2 Drachmai (1976-1980)
km#130 2 Drachmes (1982-1986)
km#151 2 Drachmes (1988-1993)
km#46 5 Drachmai (1875-1876)
km#71 5 Drachmai (1930)
km#83 5 Drachmai (1954-1965)
km#91 5 Drachmai (1966,1970)
km#100 5 Drachmai (1971,1973)
km#109.1 5 Drachmai (1973)
km#118 5 Drachmai (1976-1980)
km#131 5 Drachmes (1982-1998)
km#72 10 Drachmai (1930)
km#84 10 Drachmai (1959,1965)
km#96 10 Drachmai (1968)
km#101 10 Drachmai (1971,1973)
km#110 10 Drachmai (1973)
km#119 10 Drachmai (1976-1980)
km#132 10 Drachmes (1982-1998)
km#73 20 Drachmai (1930)
km#85 20 Drachmai (1960,1965)
km#111 20 Drachmai (1973)
km#112 20 Drachmai (1973)
km#120 20 Drachmai (1976-1980)
km#133 20 Drachmes (1982-1988)
km#154 20 Drachmes (1990-1998)
km#86 30 Drachmai (1963) Royal Greek Dynasty
km#87 30 Drachmai (1964) Constantine and Anne-Marie Wedding
km#93 50 Drachmai (1967)
km#124 50 Drachmai (1980)
km#134 50 Drachmes (1982,1984)
km#147 50 Drachmes (1986+) Homer
km#164 50 Drachmes (1994) Kallergis
km#168 50 Drachmes (1994) Makrygiannis
km#171 50 Drachmes (1998) Rigas Feraios
km#172 50 Drachmes (1998) Dionysios Solomos
km#159 100 Drachmes (1990+) Alexander
km#169 100 Drachmes (1997) Track Championship Games
km#170 100 Drachmes (1998) Basketball Championships
km#174 100 Drachmes (1999) Atlas and Weightlifter
km#175 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Arched Entry
km#176 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Runner w/ torch
km#177 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Diagoras
km#178 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Vikelas & Couberten
km#179 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - Spyros Louis
km#180 500 Drachmes (2000) Olympics - 1896 Medal design
km#181 1 Euro cent (2002)
km#182 2 Euro cents (2002)
km#183 5 Euro cents (2002)
km#184 10 Euro cents (2002)
km#211 10 Euro cents (2007+) Relief map of Europe
km#185 20 Euro cents (2002)
km#212 20 Euro cents (2007+) Relief map of Europe
km#186 50 Euro cents (2002)
km#213 50 Euro cents (2007+) Relief map of Europe
km#187 1 Euro (2002)
km#214 1 Euro (2007+) Relief map of Europe
km#188 2 Euro (2002)
km#209 2 Euro (2004) Athens Olympics
km#215 2 Euro (2007+) Relief map of Europe
km#216 2 Euro (2007) Treaty of Rome
new 2 Euro (2009) Ten Years of European Monetary Union
This is my collection of world coins. Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting. Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction. Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies. Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.