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$ km1 1 Cent (1972-1986) From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km87 1 Cent (1987-1990) bronze From trusted seller WorldCoinGuy
$ km87a 1 Cent (1992,1996) bronze clad steel
$ km131 1 Cent (1999--)
$ km2 5 Cents (1972-1986)
$ km88 5 Cents (1987-1990) Coin donated by Bob Butler
$ km88a 5 Cents (1992,1996) steel
$ km132 5 Cents (1999--)
$ km3 10 Cents (1972-1986)
$ km28 10 Cents (1978) 25th Anniv. of Coronation
$ km89 10 Cents (1987-1990) copper-nickel
$ km89a 10 Cents (1992-1996) nickel plated steel
$ km133 10 Cents (1999--)
$ km4 25 Cents (1972-1986)
$ km90 25 Cents (1987-1990) copper-nickel
$ km90a 25 Cents (1992,1996) ni-clad steel
$ km134 25 Cents (1999--)
$ km5 50 Cents (1972-1982) Caribbean Emperor fish ASW=0.3063 Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km6 1 Dollar (1972-1982) Flamboyant flower ASW=0.5353 Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km124 1 Dollar (1996) Two sailboats ASW=0.8410 Image from Antonio Monte
$ km7 2 Dollars (1972-1986) Great Blue Heron ASW=0.8758 Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km8 5 Dollars (1972-1986) ASW=1.0557 Image from Vladimir Startsev
$ km9 25 Dollars (1972) Queen Elizabeth II 25th Anniversary ASW=1.5271 Image from Roger Zimmerman
This is my collection of world coins.
Here you will find foreign coin photos, coin values and other information useful for coin collecting.
Some coins came from the coin mint, some came from coin dealers, some came from coin auction.
Some are stored in coin folders, others are stored using other coin supplies.
Many of these coins are silver coins and a few are gold coins. This information is useful for coin collecting
software and cataloging coin types and coin values in U.S. dollars.